How to apply as GrabCar driver or operator in Iligan
Private hire car hailing service Grab will operate soon in Iligan City! And if you own your own vehicle and want to earn at your own schedule, you may want to apply as a GrabCar driver or operator. You can earn as much as Php 3,000 per day or Php 40,000 per month. GrabCar drivers also enjoy free accident insurance. Interested to apply? Don't forget to download the Grab app first and then check the following:
1. Check if Vehicle / Unit meets the requirements:
Unit / Model should not be older than the year 2020
Unit / Model is a non-Honda Brand
Unit / Model Vehicle Body Type should be either: Sedan, SUV, MPV / AUV
2. Comply the necessary documents:
For Provisional Authority (PA) Requirements
1 Orange Folder for the Documents
4 Copies of Accomplished Verified Applicat...