Saturday, July 27Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: senatoriables

Two Mindanaoan senatorial candidates get my vote

Advocacy, Bisaya, Blogging, Bukidnon, Commentary, Controversial, Features, Government, Headline, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Marawi City, Media, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Muslim Mindanao, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Politics
With just a few hours before May 10, 2010 - the very day the Philippines is set to hold its first ever automated elections - I, Mindanaoan, would like to share to you two choices I've already made. I'm set to vote for these two senatorial candidates and I'm proud to let you know that both of them are from Mindanao. Both Mindanaoans and both I've had the utmost honor to work with. I'm voting for Adel Tamano (#54 on the ballot) and Neric Acosta (#1 on the ballot). Before I delve into the finer details as to why I'm voting for these senatoriables from Mindanao, let me quote something from respected columnist Manolo Quezon III (my idol!): "The job of a senator is not just about legislation, it’s about oversight, with the latter being more relevant and required than the former. The House...

Only one Mindanaoan among INC’s endorsees

Announcements, Bukidnon, Mindanaoan Update, Religion
Only one Mindanaoan made it to the coveted list of the senatorial candidates who will receive the support of the reported 5-million strong Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC). Incumbent Bukidnon 2nd District Congressman Teofisto "TG" Guingona III, who's currently gunning for a senatorial seat under the banner of the Liberal Party, is the lone Mindanaoan who's set to receive votes from INC. INC is reportedly the biggest religious sect in the country that observes bloc voting. Reportedly, non-compliance to the voting preference of the leadership is considered a sin that is punishable by expulsion. Other senatorial bets who will receive support from the INC are Ramon Revilla Jr., Lito Lapid, Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinggoy Estrada, and Pia Cayetano; former senators Vicente “...

Does this political TV ad for Mindanao by Villar, Pimentel and Tamano work?

Announcements, Bisaya, Blogging, Commentary, Government, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Opinion, Personalities, Politics, Technology, Videos
Nacionalista Party standard bearer Senator Manny Villar has released (yet another) political TV ad. This time, he's speaking in Bisaya and it's an ad specifically for Mindanao. In this political ad, he appears with NP senatorial candidates Gwen Pimentel and Atty. Adel Tamano. As we all know, Pimentel and Tamano are Mindanaoans. Pimentel is the daughter of Senator Aquilino Pimentel and the sister of Atty. Koko Pimentel, who lost in the previous elections to Mindanaoan and Bukidnon senator Juan Miguel Zubiri. Adel Tamano, on the other hand, is from Marawi City and is the first Filipino-Muslim scholar-graduate of Harvard Law School. In this political TV ad, Villar, Tamano and Pimentel raised the 8-hour brownout currently plaguing Mindanao (actually, a lot of areas around the island even...

Mindanaoan at the Cotabato City proclamation rally for local candidates

Cotabato, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Personalities, Politics
Yes, you read that right. Mindanaoan had the privilege of witnessing the proclamation rally of local candidates in Cotabato City, Mindanao. The Cotabato City proclamation rally was held today, March 26, 2010 at the city plaza. As you all know, March 26 marks the very first day of official local campaigns. Along with senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano (first ever Filipino-Muslim scholar-graduate of Harvard Law School, former spokesman of the Genuine Opposition, currently the spokesperson of the Nacionalista Party, former lawyer of Fernando Poe, Jr. and currently a senatorial candidate under the banner of the NP), I arrived in Cotabato City at around noon. After participating in a "kanduli" (thanksgiving occasion), I then went to the Cotabato City Hall. Here's a look at their majestic...

From the campaign trail – Mindanaoan will post exclusive photos, kuwentos etc

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Broadcasting, Commentary, Controversial, Events, Features, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal, Politics
Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? It's been quite a while and I really hope all of you are in good health. Mindanaoan has been very busy as of late and this is due to the start of the nationwide campaign sorties. As you all know, the campaign period for the national positions began last February 9, 2010 and political parties have been so busy visiting various areas around the country. Mindanaoan is a part of these nationwide tours. This has actually got me thinking --- perhaps it's best if I also share my own experience straight from the campaign trail. What do you guys think? I was thinking of sharing exclusive photos, videos, kuwentos and other things that may prove to be interesting somehow for all of my readers. I was thinking of sharing behind-the-scenes stuff. What do ...

Mindanaoan senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano meets Davao media people

Blogging, Broadcasting, Davao City, Events, Marawi City, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities, Photos, Radio, Society
Nacionalista Party senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano recently met with several members of the Davao City, Mindanao traditional and new media. The young senatoriable, who hails from Marawi City and is the first ever Filipino Muslim scholar-graduate of Harvard Law School, was recently in my hometown Davao City for the 3rd National Ulama Conference. Tamano got the support of the ulamas, by the way, and there are strong talks that the 5 million Filipino Muslims will support the Adel Tamano for Senator Movement. Adel Tamano, by the way, is the son of the late Senator Mamintal Tamano. Atty. Adel Tamano is also the former president of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, where he introduced so many changes. A constitutional law professor, a published writer, former spokesperson of the Ge...

Robin Padilla, now “Abdul Aziz,” lends support to Mindanaoan senatorial candidate and fellow Muslim Adel Tamano

Announcements, ARMM, Controversial, Features, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Personalities, Politics
Following Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) Chairman Nur Misuari’s endorsement, popular Filipino actor Robin Padilla, who now has embraced the Muslim name "Abdul Aziz," has also expressed his support for fellow Muslim Atty. Adel Tamano. Tamano, the first Filipino Muslim scholar-graduate of Harvard Law School and President of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, is a senatorial candidate under the Nacionalista Party. In a handwritten personal note to Tamano dated December 9, 2009, Padilla wished the young lawyer and former opposition spokesperson well in his political journey. “May Allah guide you and give you success,” the note read. Tamano, for his part, expressed his gratitude to Padilla’s show of support. “I am extremely grateful to Robin for his trust and confidence,” T...

Mindanaoans who will run for national positions come May 2010

Advocacy, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, ARMM, BIMP-EAGA, Bisaya, Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro City, Commentary, Controversial, Davao City, Features, Government, Headline, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, News, Opinion, Personalities, Politics, Society
Did you know that several Mindanaoans will gun for national political positions come May 2010? If you're the type of person who wants to support fellow children of Mindanao in the next presidential elections, then you may want to check out the list below. Among the vice presidentiables, two are Mindanaoans. Bangon Pilipinas' vice presidential candidate Perfecto Yasay, Jr. is from Davao City. Jay Sonza, the vice presidential candidate of the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan party, is also from Davao. All of Sonza's children are fellow Ateneo de Davao University alumni. As for the senatorial candidates, on the other hand, Mindanaoan has identified 10. First is Nacionalista Party's bet lawyer Adel A. Tamano of Lanao del Sur. He's the first Filipino Muslim scholar graduate of Harvard Law Schoo...

List of official COMELEC candidates – candidates for president, vice president and senator

Advocacy, Controversial, Education, Features, Government, Media, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities, Politics, Society
So from 99, it's down to 8. Nicanor Perlas is out of the list but the Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan valedictorian has vowed to file an appeal before the Commission on Elections (COMELEC). Here is the official COMELEC list of candidates for president come May 2010 elections: 1. Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III 2. Olongapo City Councilor Juan Carlos “JC” de los Reyes. 3. Former president Joseph Estrada 4. Sen. Richard Gordon 5. Sen. Ana Maria Consuelo “Jamby” Madrigal 6. Former defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro 7. Sen. Manuel Villar 8. Bro. Eddie Villanueva Meanwhile, here are the candidates for vice president: 1. Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay 2. Ang Kapatiran bet Dominador Chipeco Jr. 3. Former Metro Manila Development Authority chairman Bayani Fernando 4. Sen. Lo...

Yes, Virginia, I sang a duet with Atty. Adel Tamano!

Entertainment, Features, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Music, Musings, Personal, Personalities, Photos, Society
So one of my blogs celebrated its anniversary recently and guess who my very special guest was? Atty. Adel Tamano, of course! Just in case you've been living under a rock, Atty. Adel A. Tamano is one of the senatorial bets of the Nacionalista Party, which is led by presidential candidate Manny Villar. Atty. Adel is the first ever Filipino-Muslim graduate of Harvard Law School, the first ever Filipino-Muslim commencement speaker of Harvard University and he's the president of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM). And yes, he was the spokesperson of the Genuine Opposition in the 2007 elections. Bongga ang guest ko di ba? Actually, I spent the entire day with him and his entourage as they toured Bukidnon last December 4, 2009. He was with his brother, Atty. Aquil Tamano, as wel...

Atty. Adel Tamano’s statement on the martial law declaration in Maguindanao

Announcements, Commentary, Maguindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities, Politics
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has declared martial law in Maguindanao, Mindanao. The declaration, contained in Proclamation 1959, also suspended the writ of habeas corpus in the province. In line with this, Mindanaoan senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano released a statement on the Maguindanao martial law declaration: The Maguindanao massacre was an outrage but you do not solve it by committing an outrage on the rights of Mindanaoans, specifically those of Muslim Mindanao, by declaring unconstitutional martial law. The lack of actual - not merely possible or imminent - rebellion shows the illegality of the declaration. While all Filipinos, Mindanaoans especially, want swift justice against the monsters who committed the massacre, it must be done within the bounds ...

Zubiri and Acosta, enemies yesterday, friends today and tomorrow?

Bukidnon, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, Northern Mindanao, Opinion, Personalities, Politics, Weird
Ang politics nga naman! Mindanaoan was a bit shocked - nay, very, very shocked - when I found out that last-termer Bukidnon Gov. Jose Ma. Zubiri, Jr. and political archrival JR Nereus "Neric" Acosta MAY soon sing sweet music together. This, after Zubiri is reportedly eyeing a "transfer" to the Liberal Party from LAKAS-CMD-KAMPI. Acosta will run for Senator under the LP. What's so interesting about this is that these former political allies have burned a lot of bridges over the years and have become bitter political enemies. Zubiri has accused Acosta of graft and corruption. Acosta, on the other hand, tried to run for Bukidnon governor in the last elections but lost to Zubiri by a very large margin. From mudslinging to accusations of one trying to kill the other to one trying to discredi...

Mindanaoans who aim to have a seat in the Senate

Advocacy, Agusan del Sur, ARMM, Bukidnon, Commentary, Controversial, Features, Government, Headline, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Misamis Oriental, Muslim Mindanao, News, Northern Mindanao, Opinion, Personalities, Politics
First off, let me make this clear. This list of Mindanaoans who want to run for Senator in the 2010 elections is just initial - there may still be more interested senatorial candidates in the days to come so Mindanaoan will try to update the list as often as possible. Hopefully, this list can help you, fellow Filipino voters and fellow Mindanao residents, in choosing the right candidate to send to the Senate. I'm also hoping that this post can help provide a platform for all of us Mindanawans to discuss who can really be the true voice of Mindanao in the Senate. Please feel free to share your thoughts! Aquilino Martin "Koko" Pimentel III - ran for the Senate during the last elections but lost to former Bukidnon congressman and now Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri. Koko Pimentel has since l...

Mindanao awaits Chiz Escudero’s proclamation – he has decided but has deferred announcements

Announcements, Controversial, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities, Politics
Mindanaoans were so eager to listen to Sen. Francis "Chiz" Escudero's proclamation. After all, he was the "presidentiable" who hasn't formally declared his intentions yet...because he was still underage. Now that he has turned 40 years old, though (the minimum age required for a presidential candidate), supporters and critics alike were looking forward to his announcement. Unfortunately, it wasn't made today. Still, there's good news for his fans. Escudero has finally made a decision. And as to whether he'll really run for president or not...well...your guess is as good as mine. Chiz, who turned 40 last October 10, 2009, also said that he would not make any political announcement yet because this was not the right time to talk politics. He said that there were still many peop...

The presidentiables, senatoriables are now reaching out to Mindanao

Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro City, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Society
The next Philippine national elections may still be a little over a year away from today but the various personalities believed to be among the "2010 senatoriables" and "2010 presidentiables" have started to make their presence felt here in Mindanao. Just a few days ago, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay paid Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao a visit. He was the guest of honor in an SK-related event, I think. However, sources told me that he also proceeded to the Province of Bukidnon to meet some political allies. Care to guess what they discussed? Senator Mar Roxas, on the other hand, has also been visible around Mindanao as of late. Touted as the Liberal Party's presidential bet, Senator Mar has been doing the rounds here as commencement exercises speaker. Same thing with the solon fro...

Is Senator Francis Chiz Escudero a datu?

Announcements, Arts, Culture, Davao City, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities, Photos, Society
Apparently he now is! The once spokesperson of former President Erap Estrada (the late Fernando Poe, Jr.) and now opposition senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero was recently "adopted" as a Datu. Chiz Escudero is now also known as "Datu Matansub" (meaning approachable and wise). The adoption of Chiz as a datu was held last March 14, 2009 in Davao City, Mindanao during a meeting with tribal leaders. The meeting was held in line with the Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Conference for People and Development. Check out the photo provided to Mindanaoan by the Office of Senator Francis Escudero below. Photo by Bambam Luneta. BY THE WAY --- please --- if you have plans of reposting this entry or reusing this photo, please have the courtesy to cite the source. Thank you.

After Villar and Teodoro, Bukidnon’s Zubiri is now endorsing Loren Legarda

Bukidnon, Controversial, Government, Headline, Kaamulan Festival, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personalities
I cannot help but wonder what's going on Bukidnon Governor Jose Zubiri, Jr.'s mind right now. Isn't he supposed to be a LAKAS-CMD member? What's he doing endorsing NPC member Senator Loren Legarda as "the next President" of the country? Zubiri publicly called Legarda "the next Philippine President" and "President Legarda" during the female senator's recent visit to the Province of Bukidnon, Mindanao. Legarda served as the guest of honor during the 92nd Foundation Day (Aldaw Ta Bukidnon) of the Province of Bukidnon last March 10, 2009. Before thousands of people, the Bukidnon governor and father of current Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri called on his constituents to support Legarda. Zubiri's statement has raised a lot of questions. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? Photo courtesy of ...
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