Wednesday, March 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: Blogging is a finalist in the 2013 Mindanao Blog Awards is a finalist in the 2013 Mindanao Blog Awards

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Features, Internet, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Society, Technology
Hi everyone! So excited to share with you all a piece of good news. My humble blog, Mindanaoan, has officially been recognized as a finalist in the Mindanao Blog Awards 2013 (MBA 2013)! Woot woot! is one of the Best Lifestyle Blog 2013 finalists :) You can find the official announcement here. Thank you so much, daghang salamat gyud kaayo to everyone who voted in order for Mindanaoan to be among the finalists. There will still be a final round of voting (I hope I can still count on your support ;) ) but win or lose, I am already extremely proud and grateful! Thank you :) I remember when I won the Best Lifestyle Blog award in the 2010 Philippine Blog Awards and became a national finalist in the 2011 leg. The recognitions truly inspired me to help more people understa...

US Embassy Manila launches new Mindanao blog

Advocacy, America, Announcements, Blogging, Education, Features, Headline, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Technology, United States of America
The U.S. Embassy in Manila has launched a new blog that focuses on Mindanao as well as on the many partnerships between the United States, the Government of the Philippines, and the people of Mindanao. The new Mindanao blog, entitled "Peace, Prosperity and Partnership in Mindanao," includes information on how to participate in US Embassy programs that are offered in the Island of Mindanao. Peace, Prosperity and Partnership are the main thematic approaches of the U.S. Embassy in diplomatic engagement with Mindanaoans and the Philippine government. Hence, the name. The new US Embassy Manila blog also features conversations with young Mindanao leaders and updates on cultural programs, health initiatives and business innovations that are supported by various U.S. government agencies. US ...
I’m joining Blogfest SOCCSKSARGEN 2011

I’m joining Blogfest SOCCSKSARGEN 2011

Announcements, Blogging, Events, General Santos City, Internet, Koronadal, Make Money Online, Media, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Sarangani, SoSCksargen, Technology
I'm joining the largest gathering of bloggers, online media and social networking enthusiasts in Southern Philippines! I'm pretty excited to join Blogfest Soccsksargen 2.0 or Sox Blogfest on November 26, 2011 in General Santos City. Who wouldn't look forward to this event when you have this stellar line-up of speakers? By the way, I'm dying to finally meet Manolo Quezon III! Blogfest Soccsksargen 2.0 will also feature the awards night of the Philippine Blog Awards - Mindanao category. If you remember, won as Best Lifestyle Blog last year :) I also look forward to visiting Sarangani the next day in time for the 2011 Munato Festival. I hope to capture great photos there! Anyone else coming to Blogfest Soccsksargen 2.0 / Sox Blogfest?
My Public Relations and Blogging speaking engagement

My Public Relations and Blogging speaking engagement

Advocacy, Blogging, Cagayan de Oro City, Events, Internet, Journalism, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Society, Technology
I was one of the resource speakers during the recently concluded CDO Bloggers 3rd Blogging Workshop. Held last October 22, 2011, the very successful blogging workshop saw the attendance of several would-be and existing bloggers, SEO specialists, online media practitioners and social media enthusiasts. It was really great to be in the company of like-minded individuals ;) My topic was about public relations and blogging. Like I told the participants, I've been in the PR industry for a decade and in the traditional media for about 5 years. I discovered the beauty of blogging and online media about 5 years ago and I continue to learn a lot about the importance of putting publicity, online media, social media and blogging together. Anyways, I talked about what publicists really do, the d...
I want to meet YOU on October 22! I am a speaker at this blogging workshop – come and join!

I want to meet YOU on October 22! I am a speaker at this blogging workshop – come and join!

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Consumer, Events, Headline, Internet, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Technology
I will make this short and sweet. This Mindanao blogger will be one of the speakers during the CDO Bloggers 3rd Blogging Workshop on October 22, 2011, 1 PM to 5 PM at Loreto's Grill, #35 Tomas Saco - 6th Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines. My topic: Public Relations and Blogging. If you're wondering what each of these are, how the two can mix together and how important it is that the two go hand and hand, then that's exactly why you must come and attend ;) There will be two other speakers and their topics will be about social media / SEO and web / Internet Marketing. A very minimal fee of Php 300.00 (this is already inclusive of a meal for one) will be collected and the event will only accommodate up to 75 people. I hope to see you guys there. I would love to ...
Join my small housewarming online giveaway!

Join my small housewarming online giveaway!

Announcements, Blogging, Consumer, Contests, Features
Hi everyone! This Mindanao blogger is back from a weeklong trip to Singapore and Malaysia. Yes, this is my second time in both countries…having been there last February 2011 with my mom. Needless to say, I have fallen in love with these two Asian countries! This time around, I traveled with my brother, a female friend and two female cousins. Since I was the "returnee" in the group, I was also the self-appointed tour guide. Our trip went really well (I'll make kuwento!) except that I had terrible flu the night before our flight. On the day of our departure for the Philippines, I still had fever. I was so scared I couldn't go through immigration since they might check my body temperature and all. I took some medicines and thankfully, my temperature decreased. I was able to pass through Si...

Meeting the Malaysian ambassador and his wife

BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Features, Internet, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Personalities, Society
I've said it and I'll say it again and again. Blogging, even micro blogging through Twitter or Plurk, does wonders for you and for your life. Not only can you share your thoughts, tips and photos with others (which may help them in the process, without you necessarily knowing about it), earn a bit but more importantly, get to meet new, interesting people and experience new and exciting things. Just take the case of a pretty cool thing that happened to me a few weeks ago. Because of the power of the Internet and micro blogging, I had the ultimate honor to meet the Malaysian Ambassador to the Philippines Dato Seri Dr. Ibrahim Saad and his beautiful wife Datin Seri Zainab Kader. * credits for photo above goes to Malaysia Tatler Before I continue, let me just say, though, that the...

Mass videoconference aims to link Manila and Iligan students

Advocacy, Announcements, Campus, Events, Iligan City, Lanao del Sur, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Northern Mindanao
Before anything else, I'd like to say that I'm a proud RockEd volunteer. Rock Ed Philippines, which began in 2005, aims to get Filipinos interested in nation building. Rock Ed links Filipinos from all walks of life with causes that they are interested in. Once you sign up for Rock Ed, you're assigned projects that fit your expertise, interests or skill sets. In my case, I usually volunteer for projects related to blogging, publicity, event management, photography, media and business-related stuff. Now this is where the point of this blog post starts :D You see, I found this project in the Rock Ed Philippines website. It's about a mass videoconference that aims to link at least 2,000 students in Manila to at least 2,000 students in Iligan - yup, that's all the way down here in Mindanao. How...

Subscribe and “Like” the Mindanaoan FB page to start winning prizes

Announcements, Blogging, Contests
I've been meaning to post this ever since I managed to create a Facebook Page for my humble blog but only got to finally doing this today. Yikes. Better late than never, though :) I'll be launching several contests and will be giving away some freebies in the next few days but only subscribers of and those who "liked" the Facebook Page will be allowed to join. So here's your chance for a headstart of sorts. You may join the Official Facebook Page through the widget below: Meanwhile, you can also subscribe to via email below: DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT forget to check your email address and open the email that will be sent to you by Feedburner. Click on the link that will be sent to you via email so that your email address will be...

An appeal to all of my valued readers

Bisaya, Blogging, Contests, Features, Internet, Media, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Reviews, Society, Technology
After bagging the Best Lifestyle Blog for Mindanao 2010 in the Philippine Blog Awards, this humble Mindanao blog is once again nominated - this time to two national blogging awards - the 2010 Philippine Blog Awards Bloggers' Choice Award and the 2010 Philippine Blog Awards Readers' Choice Award. As I previously wrote, however, I myself will not even vote for my own blog for the Bloggers' Choice Award since my vote will go to Bukidnon Online but for the Reader’s Choice Category, I would really appreciate a little help from my valued readers, subscribers, supporters! :) and other Readers' Choice Awards nominees will be judged according to the number of Facebook "LIKES" starting today until before 11:59 pm on December 11, 2010 (Saturday). Most number of lik...

Photos of Matt Mullenweg in Wordcamp Philippines 2010

Blogging, Events, Features, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities, Photos, Technology
This is a follow-up to my earlier post about Wordcamp Philippines 2010, Wordpress founder and lead developer Matt Mullenweg and his video greetings for moi! :D Ch-ch-check out the video greetings here! I'm well aware that keywords such as "Matt Mullenweg photos" and "photos Matt Mullenweg Wordcamp Philippines" have led a lot (and I mean A LOT) of netizens on my humble Mindanaoan blog so as earlier promised, I'm sharing some of the photos I took of Matt. Enjoy ;) More photos after the jump! (more…)

Mindanaoan is attending Wordcamp Philippines 2010!

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Events, Internet, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Technology
I am absolutely thrilled to share this with y'all --- this blogger in Mindanao is attending the much-awaited Wordcamp Philippines 2010! I'm going, ARE YOU? Curious as to why Wordcamp Philippines 2010 is such a big deal especially for bloggers who use Wordpress? ( as well as all my other numerous blogs proudly use Wordpress, by the way!) Check out the deets after the jump! (more…)

A Mindanaoan blog worth checking out – Ganda Ever So Much!

Advocacy, Blogging, General Santos City, Humor, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, SoSCksargen
One of the things that this blogger in Mindanao loves about blogging is the fact that I get to meet other people who are as passionate about writing and sharing stuff as I am. Through blogs and activities related to blogging such as blog camps, bloggers day, bloggers summits, and online media briefings, I get to meet not only virtual friends but interesting people and friends in real life. Take the case of a fellow Mindanaoan named Orman who's behind a Mindanaoan blog that's worth checking out -! I first learned about Ganda Ever So Much through Avel, the man behind the award-winning Bariles Republic. Avel and Orman are brothers. I've been visiting Bariles Republic/ a few times before and I've been noticing Orman's name. He didn't have a blog then but ...

Freebies alert – Giving away keychains!

Announcements, Blogging, Contests, Freebies, Mindanaoan Update
Hello everyone, I'm giving away several keychains :) Simple yet useful keychains for all of the valued readers of my humble blog about Mindanao and life in Mindanao! It's super easy to receive a FREE keychain. All you have to do is SUBSCRIBE TO MINDANAOAN (CLICK, CLICK!) :) Yes, yes, it's THAT easy for you to get this freebie :) After you click the link leading you to the SUBSCRIPTION PAGE, please just leave a valid email address and don't forget to verify your email address by clicking on the URL that will be sent to you via email. Subscribe NOW because I will start shipping these keychains out by June 15, 2010! NOTE: Existing subscribers of need not fret because all of you will also be included in this mini keychain-giveaway thingi...

The first Soccsksargen summer safari | Mindanao Food Appreciation Tour

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Cagayan de Oro City, Davao City, Events, Food, General Santos City, Mindanaoan Update, SoSCksargen, Tourism, Travel
Taking its cue from the very successful Davao Food Appreciation Tour a.k.a. DFAT (which is now on its third round, by the way!), this now famous bloggers-go-on-a-major-food-trip tour has now expanded and has now turned into the Mindanao Food Appreciation Tour (MFAT)! This doesn't mean that DFAT has seen the last of its glory days, though. On the contrary, it has now paved the way for a bigger, larger and definitely more exciting food appreciation tour for bloggers in Mindanao! The first Mindanao Food Appreciation Tour 2010 will be held late this month and will be participated in by Davao Bloggers, CDO Bloggers and SOCCSKSARGEN Bloggers. Check out the poster below for some of the generous partners of this most awaited food safari!

Mindanaoan at the first ever Cebu Blog Camp 2010

Advocacy, Bisaya, Blogging, Events, Internet, Leisure, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Technology
So I'm finally back from a 4-day escapade in Cebu City, the Queen City of the South. The primary reason as to why Mindanaoan was in Cebu was to attend the first ever Cebu Blog Camp 2010. The event, which held the theme "Blogging, Expressions and Opportunities," gathered more than a hundred bloggers from all over the Philippines. The Cebu Blog Camp provided a platform whereby bloggers, IT experts and experienced new media practitioners discussed various issues concerning the blogosphere including online journalism, blogging ethics, marketing yourself as a blogger, blog marketing and earning money online. I learned a lot from the speakers (thanks Hans Koch for the very helpful WP plugins and big thanks to Tonyo Cruz for reminding me why I shifted to online media after 8 long years as a...

Mindanaoan is attending the Cebu Blog Camp 2010

Blogging, Internet, Make Money Online, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Society, Technology, Travel
This blogger from Mindanao is attending the much-awaited Cebu Blog Camp 2010! Yes, folks, I'm off to the Queen City of the South this weekend to join other blogger-friends all over the country. The theme for this year's Cebu Blog Camp is “Blogging, Expressions, and Opportunities" and topics to be discussed include basics of blogging, great sources of content (especially when you're running out of topics to write about!), photoblogging and videoblogging, blogging ethics, blogging in the community and for the community (this is something I can most definitely learn from especially for Bukidnon Online), blog marketing, blogging and citizen's journalism, personal branding through blogging, earning through blogging and many more. (more…)

Mindanaoan movie review: “A Nightmare on Elm Street”

Arts, Consumer, Culture, Entertainment, Events, Features, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Movies, Reviews
Thanks to Manila-based blogger Azrael, Mindanaoan was given the chance to attend the advance screening of the much-talked about horror flick, "A Nightmare on Elm Street." Made possible by SM Cinemas, the advance screening of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" was also sponsored by Warner Bros. Pictures and Magic 89.9. Check out the cool invitation that I received: I arrived at SM Megamall Cinema 6 a little past 7 pm. Thankfully, the moviegoers were still outside the theater so I took that opportunity to buy some popcorn and iced tea. Not long after, a Plurk pal named Erlyn arrived (yep, it was a Plurk meet-up of sorts :) ) and we sat alongside one another - wishing that the movie won't scare us too much! By the way, if you have a Plurk account, please don't hesitate to add me up HER...

Love cereals? Cerealicious is a must-try!

Business, Consumer, Davao City, Food, Mindanaoan Update, Reviews, Society
Mindanaoan is a huge cereal fan. You name it - I love it! Frosties, regular corn cereals, choco coated cereals...I love them all! I must admit, though...I'm not a regular breakfast eater (which I know is a bad thing because breakfast is the most important meal of the day...I'm really trying my best to eat breakfast as often as I can!) but you can be sure that I'll be at the table (mas mabilis pa sa alas kuwatro!) if cereals and milk plus fruits or cookies are served. So you could just imagine how happy I was when I first learned that the Philippines now has the first ever cereal cafe! Yup, you read that right. Cereal cafe! Welcome to Cerealicious - the country's first ever cafe that serves 30+ cereals, 40+ toppings and even gives you the chance to come up with your very own mix of ...

New US Embassy chief of mission, Mindanaoan leaders, new media experts to grace Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3

Advocacy, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Announcements, Blogging, Cagayan de Oro City, Events, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao, Technology
Considered unprecedented in the Philippine blogosphere, a top ranking United States Embassy dignitary is set to grace the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 on October 24, 2009 in Cagayan de Oro City. Deputy Chief of Mission Leslie Bassett, along with Mindanaoan leaders and leading new media experts, will grace the summit this year, which holds the theme, “Mindanao: Bag-Uhon Ang Panan-aw” (Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines – October 21, 2009) – Considered unprecedented in the Philippine blogosphere, a top ranking United States Embassy dignitary is set to grace the much-awaited Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3, which will be held on October 24, 2009, 8am to 5pm, Pearlmont Inn, Limketkai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao. Deputy Chief of Mission Leslie Bassett will deliver the keynote ad...

Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3: nearly 300 bloggers to converge, aim to help change the world’s perception of Mindanao

Advocacy, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Announcements, Blogging, Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Corporate, Davao City, Events, Features, General Santos City, Internet, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao, Society, Technology, Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Peninsula, Zamboanga Sibugay
Nearly 300 bloggers from all over Mindanao, new media advocates and experts, Mindanaoan leaders and other stakeholders will converge in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao on October 24, 2009 for the much-awaited 2009 Mindanao Bloggers Summit, which aims to uphold the beauty and strength of the island and to expunge the negative notions the world has about it. (Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines – October 20, 2009) – Nearly 300 bloggers from all over Mindanao will converge in Cagayan de Oro City on October 24, 2009 for the much-awaited Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3, an annual gathering of the island’s bloggers or new media practitioners. MBS 3, which will be a whole-day affair on October 24, 2009 at Pearlmont Inn, Limketkai Drive, CDO, will banner the theme “Mindanao: Bag-Uhon Ang Pan...
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