Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Malaysian budget hotel Tune Hotels invests in Cagayan de Oro Mindanao

I’m a certified Dabawenya (from Davao City) and although I can say that there are a lot of projects going on at my hometown (two of which are the Abreeza Mall, which managed to gather millions of people during the Kadayawan Festival 2011 celebration, and the Abreeza Residences, which according to reports will be adjacent to Kukun Hotel Davao City and a few meters away from Abreeza Mall), Cagayan de Oro City is where the action is these days, in my humble opinion.

It’s the most booming city in Mindanao and the most logical reason I could think of is the fact that the long-awaited Laguindingan International Airport is about to be finished. You know how it is — once an international airport starts its operations, you’d know for sure that there will be more tourists, more business opportunities, more people.

And true enough, a Thailand-based hotel investment company has decided that CDO is where they should put up the very first branch of their franchise, Tune Hotels.

Red Planet Hotels is the franchisee of Malaysia’s Tune Hotels for the Philippines and just last month, they bought a 4,452 sq. m. property along CM Recto Avenue, Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao. It will be the site of the $6 Million Tune Hotels Cagayan de Oro project.

Tune Hotels CDO will be 7 storeys high, will have 162 rooms plus a couple of retail stalls.

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this is how one of the Tune Hotels looks like:

Tune Hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

During my recent visits to Malaysia, I did spot a few Tune Hotels. I also know of a lot of Filipino travel bloggers who have tried staying there.

Tune Hotels is known to be a budget type of hotel. Naturally, this is welcome news for budget travelers who wish to visit and tour Northern Mindanao without necessarily spending a lot on accommodation.

The Tune Hotel chain has branches in Indonesia, Australia and London. Incidentally, Tune Hotel is owned by AirAsia founder Tony Fernandes — which begs the question: does this mean AirAsia will soon fly in and out of the Laguindingan airport?

Tune Hotels, by the way, has adopted the “budget airline” or low cost carrier type of reservations. If you book your hotel rooms super early, you’ll get really low rates. Something very similar to what GoHotels is doing (a Cebu Pacific sister company). I DID NOT like my GoHotels experience, by the way. Read my review here.

Anyway, what are your thoughts about the entry of Tune Hotels to CDO/Northern Mindanao?

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  • Louie Oliver Manapil

    This is really an exciting time for Cagayan de oro. Never had the city seen so many developments than in any given time in the history of the city. We are excited that an international hotel chain has decided to give the local players a run for their money. This will mean more better rooms, and reasonable rates (A few years back, the city haven’t had enough good hotel rooms to accomodate an increasing number of tourists and convention participants). There are 3 more upcoming hotels that are also taking part in the action: Ayala’s Kukun in Centrio, The Riviera at Paseo del Rio, and The Limketkai Resort and Gateway Towers. The Bellevue and Crown Regency will also have their own properties in the city by next year.

    • Hi there, Louie! That’s true. CDO has never seen such a boom in a darn long time. As a Mindanaoan, I’m really happy that these things are happening in a city that used to be a little sleepy in terms of growth and development. I gather that Tune Hotels’ entry will also bring in Air Asia flights direct from CDO to other countries. I think that’ll be really exciting 🙂

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