Saturday, July 27Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

My ultra lucky night at Resorts World Manila casino

Before I do share the AMAZEBALLS and fantabulous thing that happened to me and my lucky stars that night at Resorts World Manila, let me rewind a bit.

So remember I recently attended Wordcamp Philippines 2010, right? A few days before my flight from Cagayan de Oro to Manila, I found out that some CDO Bloggers (Jacq, Cherry and Venus) will also stay in the same hotel where I will be billeted…and we will be on the same flight! So that put me at ease somehow.

On the day of my our flight, I woke up really early. I had a good 4 hours before boarding time so I decided to laze around the house, surf the web, watch TV…in other words, I became too freakin’ lax for my own good. What happened next was a disaster. I was so late for my flight that I was still in the middle of a traffic jam on the very minute the check-in counters were supposed to close. So I immediately called Venus and asked her if there was any way she can check-in in my behalf. It was a long shot but worth a try. Unfortunately, she sent me a text message after a few minutes and said that it was not possible daw but dyandyaraaannn…there was a ray of hope: THE DAMN FLIGHT WAS DELAYED!

So I begged the taxi driver to summon all driver gods and take me to the airport pronto! As soon as I arrived at the airport, I ran for dear life and even LEFT all of my baggage at a corner near the x-ray baggage machines and sped off to the check-in counter. I was probably so flushed that the lady at the counter gently told me, “Ma’am, kalma lang po. Delayed man ang flight.”


So I went back to get my baggage (the airport personnel figured out as much that I was probably super late that’s why I merely sped past them haha), had my stuff checked in and then eventually saw the other bloggers at the pre-departure area. Strike 1.

Eventually, during the course of our conversations, I found out that Jacq, Venus and Cherry barely have had the chance to tour Manila. So, as the ever helpful me (ahem ahem), I offered to tour them. One of the places I brought them to was Resorts World Manila at Newport City, Pasay (it’s the new complex right in front of the NAIA 3 Terminal or better known as the airport for Cebu Pacific flights) Resorts World Manila is also the home of Maxims Hotel – the country’s only 6 star hotel.

And so we went. They got their FREE membership cards. Each membership card already comes with a free P100 worth of credits. So since all 3 haven’t tried playing at a slot machine yet, I accompanied them and taught them how.

While waiting for them to finish off their credits, I decided to play as well. I placed P500.00 in the machine. Wasn’t lucky during the first few minutes. I later only had about P300 left in my card.

Then all of us decided to have some cocktails at Bar 360. I had a mai tai, Cherry had iced tea and Venus and Jacq tried blue margaritas. We loved watching the Maximus act that night (I’ve actually watched this act so many times but I never get tired of it :D)

Then, we realized that it was midnight and that we had to get some shut-eye. I told the girls that they accompany me to the nearest slot machine whilst I play off the remaining credits in my card. So we went to this machine just a few feet away from Bar 360.

What happened next was pure luck.

I pressed the wrong button. Instead of betting only the minimum amount, I instead pressed the MAXIMUM BET button *GULP

But my lucky stars were shining so brightly that night — that one wrong press equaled to BONUS plays the more bonus plays then more bonus plays.

After just a few minutes, I won roughly P27,600.00 ๐Ÿ˜€

Jacq, Venus, Cherry and I were screaming our lungs out! Even the lady playing at a nearby machine was so surprised with what happened!


Who knew that one wrong push of a button would means super duper luck?

We quickly cashed out and stared happily at all the cash haha! If only it was allowed to take photos inside a casino, the 4 of us would have probably taken jump shots LOL

I then treated the girls at a nearby coffee shop chain for meals and coffee. Paid our fare back to the hotel and dyandyaraannn…I also treated all of them to IMAX tickets at SM Mall of Asia ๐Ÿ™‚ We watched “Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga Hoole.”

So there. That’s the story of my ultra lucky night at Resorts World Manila! WOOT WOOT! ๐Ÿ˜€

*photo used in this entry courtesy of RWM

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