Monday, February 3Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: nuffnang

Keeping up with the fun, funky familia!

Announcements, BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Bukidnon, Government, Headline, Hongkong, Kaamulan Festival, Leisure, Macau, Malaysia, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Personalities, Politics, Society, Technology, Tourism, Travel
Let's take a breather from my Singapore Chronicles series of blog entries, shall we? Right now, at this very minute, I'm actually taking a break myself. Taking a break from packing my clothes, preparing my documents and checking (and re-checking) my to-do list. And for some reason, amid all the chaos, I am now rather becoming a little bit sentimental. I can't help it. I become mushy whenever I think of my beloved fun and funky family :) Come to think of it - in the past year alone, so many things have happened to me and my family. First off, we finally moved to our new home! It's smaller than the previous one we lived in for years but at least this one's ours! Woohoo! :D I was so excited that I shouldered the special landscaping for our front yard. Never mind if it shaved a lot off m...

Thanks, Nuffnang! Got my first payment today

Blogging, Business, Consumer, Corporate, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal
Mindanaoan finally received money from Nuffnang Philippines, Asia Pacific's First Blog Advertising Community. The first payout isn't that much but it's good enough to treat myself to a mini shopping spree soon. I'm looking forward to a bigger payout next time, though ;) Nuffnang boasts of a community composed of 100,000 blogs and of 3 million viewers per day. Pretty impressive, yes? If you're a blogger like me, why don't you consider joining the Nuffnang Philippines community as well? By the way, apart from earning money by letting your blog serve Nuffnang ads, you also get the chance to attend exclusive movie premieres, attend very special events (they recently had one for Goldilocks which was attended by no less than GMA 7 heartthrob Dingdong Dantes) and join awards. Speaking of aw...

MTV Asia is looking for FOUR official bloggers! Could it be YOU?

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Contests, Internet, Jobs, Mindanaoan Update, News, Technology
MINDANAOAN - How would you like to be an official MTV Asia blogger? You will have the chance to travel the world, attend exclusive MTV events, get free stuff from Puma and hobnob with MTV VJs Utt and Denise! And guess will even earn moolah! How cool is that? It would be totally swell if someone from Mindanao could be a part of the MTV blog squad, right? You only have until June 30, 2009 to make your blog noticed! Ch-ch-check this out! This MTV contest is in partnership with the Nuffnang blog community, by the way. So yeah, this is another reason why you should join Nuffnang! (check out the Nuffnang ads somewhere in this page!) Good luck Mindanawan!

Be healthy and support a cause at the same time!

Advocacy, Announcements, Consumer, Corporate, Internet, Mindanaoan Update
I like promos that do not only advocate services or products but also encourage participation in a worthy cause. Just take the case of NESTLE Fruit Selection Yogurt's newest campaign called "Be Good To Yourself" (I first learned of this through Nuffnang) This campaign is truly a good way to start being good to yourself. NESTLE Fruit Selection Yogurt (my ultimate favorite is the strawberry version, by the way) is healthy (it has live micro-organisms that are good for digestion), the product also encourages people to start taking better care of themselves by getting rid of unhealthy things in their lives and replacing these with good things and they have this campaign where you can help a worthy cause. Read the related manifesto HERE. You see, when 10,000 people make their pledges ...

Be bakunado! Top reasons why you need to protect yourself against flu

Advocacy, Announcements, Internet, Mindanaoan Update
Contrary to popular belief, influenza or flu is not just a simple disease. Truth be told, it does not just come in the most common forms such as cough and colds. Flu can also come in avian, human and pandemic forms (the latter being the scariest form, IMO) - hence, it is very important that you as well as the members of your family get vaccinated. Good thing there's now a website that helps you understand flu, its forms, consequences and vaccinations that could help fight it. Check out the Bakunado sa Flu Official Website (a banner may be found at the header of the Mindanaoan website) In case the banner doesn't show, click here. The Bakunado sa Flu website will help you realize that vaccination is one important step to not only a healthier lifestyle but to a less stressful atmospher...

My first Sony experience is with my Sony Ericsson K500i

Consumer, Contests, Controversial, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal, Reviews, Style, Technology, Tourism, Travel
While I consider my father's Sony all-transistor radio my first Sony "encounter," (it was one of his most treasured possessions and when he installed pipe-in sound systems in Jesuit-owned buildings, he'd bring me and his precious all transistor radio along - my role was to belt out songs and he'd test the wirings and quality of sound) I consider my Sony Ericsson k500i mobile phone as my very first Sony experience. In fact, truth be told, my Sony Ericsson k500i cellular phone has been with me through so many "firsts" in my life that it has just been (and still is!) one crazy, amazing, memorable ride. This phone has also played a great part in my quest to find my niche - my very own place under the sun. I bought this Sony product at a time when I felt I badly wanted - nay, needed - a chan...

Another reason why you should join Nuffnang

Entertainment, Events, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Movies, Musings
Asia's First Blog Advertising Community, Nuffnang, is offering another sweet deal for members of its network. Nuffnang Philippines will have its first ever movie premiere event on November 18, 2008, 7:30 PM at Cinema 6, Robinson's Movie World, Robinson's Galleria. Nuffnang's first ever movie event will feature two of Hollywood's hottest leading men - Brad Pitt and George Clooney - in a funny spy movie entitled "Burn After Reading." Check out the poster below: So not only do you earn money by serving Nuffnang ads on your blog, you also get exclusive passes to exclusive events! How's that sound? Good, yes? Oh, by the way, as you can see, Mindanaoan finally serves Nuffnang ads! See below :) I'm running ads about Hongkong Disneyland's Christmas celebration --- which reminds me, I...
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