Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Spotted: Durian Cacao in Bukidnon Philippines

I recently accompanied newly minted Congressman Atty. John Flores of the Second District of Bukidnon. We went to Barangay Bantuanon in Lantapan, a municipality known for its rich flora and fauna, natural parks, organic plantations and tribal communities. It was the 29th Araw ng Bantuanon celebration and I was happy to be with my good friend Atty. John again after what was a pretty exciting 2019 election season. I was also happy to discover something pretty fascinating that day, too: DURIAN CACAO.

Yep, you read that right. Durian cacao. It looks like a cacao fruit but, as the ladies who manned that particular booth Atty. John and I visited told us, its seeds are actually pungent a.k.a. they smelled like durian!

That’s durian cacao that John’s holding:

Here’s how it looks like up close: (photo credit)

Apparently, this is also called Mayan Cacao or “Balam.” The beans are accordingly white (as opposed to black/purple) and its pulp has a strong, pungent smell and taste. I don’t know about you but I find this pretty amazing! The durian cacao Atty. John bought that day was still unripe (similar to the photo above) so I may probably have to ask him how the beans would look and smell like when they turn ripe soon!

Atty. John was also fascinated with the produce. Too bad the farmer wasn’t around when we visited the booth but I’m pretty sure Congressman Flores will keep that in mind when agri-related projects and programs would “crop up!” (see what I did there? 😉 )

By the way, I wonder if there’s a “hybrid” name for durian cacao. Ducao? Duriancao? CacaDu? 😀

Have you seen, smelled or tasted durian cacao? Share with me your thoughts in the comments section below 🙂 I would love to hear from you!

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  • Jullie

    Hi! I have tried this. It really smelled and tasted like durian but it looks like cacao only the shell is tough to open. Same way like durian it falls from the tree when ripe. The owner told me its best to eat the fruit after 4 days cause it will be more creamy. My brother said it tasted like durian and somewhat theres mango in there.. im curious where its from and could it be made chocolate?

  • Leila Stuart

    I would like to buy seedlings or the fruits if available. I grow cacao but I do not have that variety. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks.

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