Monday, February 10Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

PHOTOS: Bukidnon cowboys at Kaamulan Festival 2014 rodeo

Not many know this but the Province of Bukidnon is home to the Philippines’ finest cowboys. In the municipality of Impasugong alone, a lot of Bukidnon cowboys (and cowgirls!) live the cowboy lifestyle ala Marlboro Country. The rolling hills, vast landscape and several ranches make it possible for these cowboys to live this kind of lifestyle in Bukidnon. And every year, the public gets to see these Bukidnon cowboys showcase their skills via the yearly Kaamulan Festival Rodeo.

The Kaamulan Festival 2014 rodeo is no different. This year, the Bukidnon cowboys got to show the public how cattle wrestling is done. Locally called “Karambola,” cattle wrestling is where a bovine is released from the pen and then the cowboys try to subdue or lord over these bulls.

The Kaamulan Festival 2014 rodeo is one of the major events of the yearly Kaamulan Festival, a gathering of Bukidnon’s 7 hill tribes. Here’s the Kaamulan Festival 2014 schedule of events





* photos courtesy of my lovely friend Jacquee Baula

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