Saturday, July 27Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Mindanao pride Manny Pacquiao, Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant in Nike commercial

Mindanaoan Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao will again star in a major Nike commercial — but this time, he will be joined by two other sports giantsNBA star Kobe Bryant and golf sensation Tiger Woods. I may be wrong…but I think that while this isn’t Pacquiao’s first time to do a Nike commercial, this is the first time that he will film a commercial with Woods and Bryant.

As expected, this will be one very explosive commercial…one that Pinoys, most especially Mindanaoans, will look forward to.

This much-awaited Nike commercial featuring Manny Pacquiao, Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods will reportedly be shot in Los Angeles on July 8, 2009.

Meanwhile, check out this cool Nike superstars commercial featuring Pacman, Kobe, Cristiano Ronaldo, Maria Sharapova and others: (this one’s for Nike Hongkong)

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