Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator


Why blame the Mindanao media all the time?

Advocacy, ARMM, BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Broadcasting, Commentary, Controversial, Crime, Government, Headline, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Sarangani, SoSCksargen, Tourism
My classmate in Ateneo and Sarangani provincial governor Miguel Rene Dominguez is asking for trouble. Not a few eyebrows will surely be raised after he reportedly blamed the Mindanao media for "always highlighting all the bad things that are happening in Mindanao." Same goes with Lt. Colonel Edgardo de Leon, commander of the 73rd Infantry Battalion, who also blamed the media. Dominguez said that the "insurgency and other conflicts in Mindanao is actually just a game of perception. And I blame the media for that!" He reportedly then said that the culture of the media today, except for a few who are practicing peace journalism, is not very commendable. De Leon, on the other hand, said that the rest of the country's and the world's perception of Mindanao at present is also the work of t...

Mindanao pride Manny Pacquiao to star in “Wapakman”

Announcements, Arts, Bisaya, Controversial, Entertainment, General Santos City, Headline, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Movies, Personalities, Sarangani
All right, so I was in Cinema 3 of Gaisano Mall of Davao, waiting for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen to begin, when this movie trailer started rolling. I found it so damn funny! It turned out to be the movie teaser of Mindanaoan Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao's upcoming film entitled "Wapakman." And take note...Pacquiao will star in "Wapakman" alongside Pussycat Dolls lead Nicole Scherzinger and WWF's Batista! Of course, we all know that Scherzinger is part-Pinay and Batista is proud of his Filipino roots as well. Check out the teaser of Manny Pacquiao's "Wapakman" movie: The Pacman will start shooting this film next month, July. Topel Lee will direct. I'm curious, though...will this movie be shown in time for the 2010 national elections?

SMART unlimited call promo – definitely good news for Mindanaoans!

Advocacy, Announcements, Business, Consumer, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Technology
The much-awaited SMART Gold and SMART Buddy unlimited call promo is finally here! This time around, the unlimited call promo for SMART subscribers isn't just limited during late evenings until early morning. The SMART unlimited call promo can be availed of at any time of the day and until September 30, 2009! This SMART unlimited calls promo is dubbed "Smartalk" and I think it's definitely good news for Mindanaoans especially since there are a lot of SMART subscribers here in Mindanao, Philippines. You can avail of Smartalk unlimited Smart-to-Smart calls in denominations of P100 and P500. For P100, you can avail of unlimited SMART calls for 5 days. For P500, you can avail of SMART unlimited calls at any time of the day for 30 days. Here's a quick guide on the keywords to remember if y...

Who was Michael Jackson to you?

Advocacy, Arts, Blogging, Consumer, Controversial, Entertainment, Features, Headline, Internet, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Personalities, Society
Please feel free to share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you...WHO WAS MICHAEL JACKSON TO YOU? Who was Michael Jackson, the renowned "Gloved One," the "King of Pop," to you? How did his life, talents, skills and accomplishments affect you? When he died, how did you feel? What were your thoughts? Today, June 26, 2009 (June 25, 2009 in the U.S.), the world awakens to the sad news of Michael Jackson's death. The Los Angeles coroner confirmed that at roughly 2:26 PM of June 25, 2009 (U.S. time), MJ passed away. Michael Jackson, despite all of the controversies hounding him, will undoubtedly remain as one of the greatest artists of all time. He was a part of our childhood. His music, talent, grooves, style, love and the capacity to draw people together at least in the spirit...

Sen. Ping Lacson’s speech at the ANC Leadership Forum

Announcements, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, News, Opinion, Personalities
Full text of Senator Panfilo "Ping" Lacson's speech - statement at the ANC Leadership Forum held earlier this evening, June 5, 2009. Sen. Ping Lacson reportedly withdrew from the 2010 Presidential elections. Sen. Ping has been identified as one of the presidentiables in next year's national elections. The following is Senator Ping's full statement delivered last June 5, 2009 at the ANC Leadership Forum. Thank you to Gerry of the Office of Sen. Ping for this full statement: Thank you for this invitation to the second ANC Leadership Forum. Up until I made a decision last Sunday to retire myself from a race that would matter most in the lives of our beloved countrymen, I had every intention to share with our people my vision of what the Philippines ought to be in a Ping Lacson pres...

The presidentiables, senatoriables are now reaching out to Mindanao

Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro City, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Society
The next Philippine national elections may still be a little over a year away from today but the various personalities believed to be among the "2010 senatoriables" and "2010 presidentiables" have started to make their presence felt here in Mindanao. Just a few days ago, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay paid Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao a visit. He was the guest of honor in an SK-related event, I think. However, sources told me that he also proceeded to the Province of Bukidnon to meet some political allies. Care to guess what they discussed? Senator Mar Roxas, on the other hand, has also been visible around Mindanao as of late. Touted as the Liberal Party's presidential bet, Senator Mar has been doing the rounds here as commencement exercises speaker. Same thing with the solon fro...

After Villar and Teodoro, Bukidnon’s Zubiri is now endorsing Loren Legarda

Bukidnon, Controversial, Government, Headline, Kaamulan Festival, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personalities
I cannot help but wonder what's going on Bukidnon Governor Jose Zubiri, Jr.'s mind right now. Isn't he supposed to be a LAKAS-CMD member? What's he doing endorsing NPC member Senator Loren Legarda as "the next President" of the country? Zubiri publicly called Legarda "the next Philippine President" and "President Legarda" during the female senator's recent visit to the Province of Bukidnon, Mindanao. Legarda served as the guest of honor during the 92nd Foundation Day (Aldaw Ta Bukidnon) of the Province of Bukidnon last March 10, 2009. Before thousands of people, the Bukidnon governor and father of current Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri called on his constituents to support Legarda. Zubiri's statement has raised a lot of questions. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? Photo courtesy of ...

Exactly who in Lanao del Norte, Cagayan de Oro, Davao and Caraga received the P2.7M worth of checks?

Cagayan de Oro City, Caraga, Commentary, Controversial, Davao City, Government, Headline, Lanao del Norte, Mindanaoan Update, Northern Mindanao, Opinion
This is exactly why I sometimes dislike writing news articles based on press releases or announcements (especially those from government entities.) You really don't get the minute details, you know that most of the time these PRs are just to "beautify" the government's image and if you really need to get to the bottom of things, you have to exert effort and really research. Unfortunately for journalists like me, however, there really are days when you don't have any other choice but to stick to the PR or media statement and hope that your article comes out fair, balanced and factual. I read a rather interesting article today."Displaced OFWs from Mindanao get P2.7M gift from Arroyo" - GMANews The article claimed that President Gloria Arroyo handed out a total of 33 checks worth P2.7 m...

Full statement of former Bukidnon congressman Neric Acosta on graft charges filed against him

Bukidnon, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao, Opinion, Personal, Personalities
Yesterday, February 25, 2009, Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez ordered the filing of graft charges against former Bukidnon First District Congressman Neric Acosta, his mother former Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon mayor Socorro Acosta and his aunt Nemia Bornidor (member of the Board of Trustees of the Bukidnon Integrated Network of Home Industries, Inc. and JR Nereus Acosta's aunt). The case stemmed from a complaint filed by Fr. Venancio Balansag Jr., Fr. Wilredo Torayno, Vicente N. Abrogueña (now deceased), and Felix Vergara, Jr. representing the Bukidnon Crusade Against Graft and Corruption. The BCAGC alleged that on January 9, 2001, the former Bukidnon congressman and Yale World Fellow and then Mayor Amado Noble of Talakag, Bukidnon executed a Memorandum of Agreement providing for the appropr...

Senate commends Mindanaoan junior tennis champ Francis “Nino” Belderol Alcantara

Arts, Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro City, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao, Personalities, Sports
The Philippine Senate recently formally commended Mindanaoan Francis Casey "Niño" Alcantara, the first Filipino Australian Open champ, via a resolution. Just this week, the senators unanimously adopted Senate Resolution Number 860 authored by Senator Pia Cayetano commending the country's newest sports phenomenon. Alcantara recently nabbed the Junior Boys Doubles crown of the Australian Open Tennis Championships. Alcantara played alongside partner Cheng-Peng Hsiehtoi of Taiwan. Alcantara, 17 years old, is a student of Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan University) in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao. The son of a Bukidnon native (his mother Sarah is from Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Mindanao), this young Mindanaoan is the very first Filipino to win a "Grand Slam" tennis tournament. * Nin...

Breaking news: Basilan mayor slain in ambush

ARMM, Crime, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, News, Sulu, Zamboanga Peninsula
Karam Jakilan, mayor of Albarkah, Basilan, along with three others, was slain in an ambush just this afternoon. They were attacked in Tipo-Tipo, according to police reports. Basilan is located just off the southern coast of Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao, Philippines. Basilan, which is within the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), is the biggest and northernmost among the major islands of the Sulu Archipelago. Basilan Police Superintendent Salik Macapantar reportedly said that the mayor, his driver and two unnamed persons - a man and a woman - were killed at around 4 pm today. Meanwhile, three people included in the convoy were hurt. Police believe that the motive of the killing was "rido," which pertains to blood feuds that often go unresolved over several generations. ...

So I received a cool package recently…

Gifts, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities
Check out the contents of a package sent to me via courier recently. (Apologies for the poor quality of the photos as I only took them via my ever trusty Motorola Krzr phone.) this a sign of things to come? Is this something die hard supporters should be elated about? Or is this just a way for HIM to thank his friends, fans, foes (?) and supporters? You know...the year 2010 is a presidential election year and this early, we have heard of the many personalities who have made it clear that they have intentions of gunning for the top executive position in Philippine government. From Senator Manny Villar to Senator Mar Roxas to Senator Loren Legarda. Do you think HE will run? Do you think he will face Legarda in the quest to get the NPC Party's nod? And do you think he has...

Are you willing to pay P6,000 to the Philippine government just so you can blog?

Advocacy, Blogging, Business, Consumer, Controversial, Headline, Internet, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Opinion, Technology
Because this seems to be the case if ever a proposal dubbed "Guidelines on the Provision of Contents, Information, Applications and Electronic Games" lodged before the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) pushes through. Now, how does this affect Mindanaoan bloggers or content providers here in the Philippines, you ask? This controversial proposal, when loosely translated, would mean that the Philippine government wants to require people to hold licenses in order to create or post content online. And, of course, there will be corresponding fees and charges. Under the proposal, a filing fee of P300.00 shall be imposed and an annual registration fee of P6,000.00. There will also reportedly be surcharges for late filings. While the proposal probably has commendable objectives and w...

Should Sen. Trillanes do video conferencing instead?

Government, Headline, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Opinion, Technology
There's a proposal in the Philippine Senate these days that Senator Antonio Trillanes IV be allowed to attend the Senate sessions through the power of the Internet. If the proposal will be ratified, Sen. Trillanes can "participate" in the sessions through video conferencing. If ever this will push through, the senator, who's currently in the slammer (compulsory detention after his involvement in a recent coup attempt), will be the first Filipino elected official who will use this type of technology. As expected, Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago rejected the proposal. The other senators who have yet to let their stand known include Senators Joker Arroyo, Juan Ponce Enrile, Manny Villar, Richard Gordon, Panfilo Lacson, Manuel Lapid, Francis Pangilinan, and Mindanao's very own, Juan Miguel Zu...

Mindanaoan Rep. Luz Ilagan’s speech on GMA’s rights violations against Mindanaoans

Government, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, News
Here's the full text of Mindanaoan Congresswoman Luz Ilagan's speech in the House of Representatives regarding President Gloria Arroyo's rights violations against us Mindanaoans. Rep. Ilagan used to be a teacher in my alma mater, Ateneo de Davao University. Today, she's a Congresswoman under the Gabriela Women's Party List. Pagsusog sa Reklamo Hinggil sa Pagpapatalsik sa Katungkulan ng Gng. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Pananalita ni Rep. Luzviminda C. Ilagan Kinatawan ng Gabriela Women’s Party sa Pulong ng Komite sa Katarungan Kamara de Representantes Ika-24 ng Nobyembre, 2008 Mr. Chairman, sa Mindanao, kung saan ang kinatawang ito nagmula, daandaang kaso ng paglabag sa karapatang pantao at Konstitusyon ng Pilipinas ang kinasasangkutan ni Gng. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. I. Human Rights Vi...

Finally, an update on Mindanaoan journalist Marlene Esperat’s case

Controversial, Crime, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, News
I learned from Senator Richard Gordon today that the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee is set to revive the investigations into the brutal murder of Mindanaoan journalist Marlene Esperat. Esperat, who exposed an alleged illegal procurement of P432 Million worth of fertilizers, was slain in her own home in Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat, Mindanao by an assassin who later on reportedly confessed that he was hired by two officials in the Department of Agriculture - Central Mindanao. What really dismayed me was the fact that she was even gunned down in front of her own children. “This time we will investigate why a resident Ombudsman in the Agriculture Department in Mindanao was killed because she wanted to expose an anomaly. So far, the case has made some progress in courts but the masterminds have ...

Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero speaks up on his plans for 2010

Controversial, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, Opinion, Personalities
If you're curious if Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero is running for President this 2010, then read on. Here's the full text of Sen. Chiz's blog. THOUGHTS? December 2, 2008, 12:29 am Dahil sa mga naglalabasang surveys na kasali ako sa top 5 ng mga presidentiables, marami ang nagtatanong kung nangangarap daw ba akong maging presidente ng Pilipinas sa 2010. Ang masasabi ko lang ay oo. May pangarap ako tulad ng sinumang pulitiko siguro ngayon na humawak ng mas mataas na puwesto. Ang maganda sa pangarap, ito ay libre at hindi kailangang bayaran. Subalit ang mahalaga sa akin ay hindi kung ano ang gusto ko. Gusto ni ganito na tumakbo, gusto ni ganyan na tumakbo. Hindi mahalaga kung ano ang gusto kong takbuhan. Ang mahalaga, ano ba ang gusto ng ating mga kababayan na tatakbuhan ko o gusto ba...

Pictures taken during the Senate Nov. 17, 2008 revamp

Broadcasting, Controversial, Government, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Photos
What supposed to be was a simple, routinary visit to the Senate of the Philippines last November 17, 2008 turned out to be one very controversial occasion. It was the day when the Senate coup happened. It was the day when the Senate revamp occured. It was the day when Senate President Manny Villar got ousted by his fellow senators and was replaced by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile. And yes, it was also the day when Mindanaoan Senator Juan Miguel "Migs" Zubiri got appointed as Acting Majority Floor Leader. Although I've been receiving some tips via text messages that something "big" and "major" would occur in the next few days, I never thought that IT would happen that day, a seemingly innocent Monday. Anyways, here are the photos I took that day: (CLICK ON THE THUMBNAILS) ...

Surigao City to host 14th CARAGA BizCon

Business, Events, Headline, News
Surigao City is set to host the 14th CARAGA Business Conference on November 28, 2008 at a local hotel. Themed "Uniting Caraga in These Testing Times," the event aims to bring together Caraganon business executives, political leaders, regional movers and shakes as well as officers of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI). The City Government of Surigao, Provincial Government of Surigao, the Surigao Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) as well as PCCI are this year's convenors and sponsors. Among the topics to be discussed during the confab are the measures to be undertaken in order to further partnerships in the region during a perceived economic crisis in 2009, tax-related issues with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and measures to further strengthen the business c...

Senator Richard Gordon on Obama’s victory

Headline, News
From the Office of Senator Richard Juico Gordon: “I join the rest of the world in extending our warmest congratulations to US president-elect Barrack Obama for his historic electoral victory. His ascendancy to the most powerful post in the world as the first African-American President signals a political and cultural paradigm shift as it sends a clear and loud message to all peace and freedom-loving nations – CHANGE IS IN OUR HANDS. The impossible has happened. Change has indeed come to America, and it was made possible by the power of the ordinary people." - Sen. Dick Gordon

Jeanette Lomanta drops libel case vs. radio man

Broadcasting, Controversial, Crime, Davao City, Headline, Journalism, Media, News, Opinion, Personalities, Radio
TV personality Jeanette Lomanta has reportedly submitted an affidavit of desistance in relation to the libel case she filed against former radio broadcaster Alexander Adonis. As a result, Regional Trial Court Branch 14 in Davao City is set to dismiss the case soon - BUT only if Adonis' other pending cases get settled as well. The libel case against the former journalist is in line with Adonis' series of commentaries over the air in 2001 alleging that Lomanta had a so-called tryst in a Manila hotel with then Davao 1st District Congressman now House Speaker Prospero Nograles. Lomanta reportedly withdrew her complaint after "adhering to the Christian values of forgiveness." Adonis, in a letter dated October 21, 2008, extended his apologies to her. He still has to face a pending libel ca...
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