Teaching social media and digital marketing in 8 towns around Mindanao (during the pandemic!)
Advocacy, Blogging, Business, Education, Features, Internet, Media, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Society, Technology
When the pandemic hit, we all know that the entrepreneurs were among those who got affected the most. Some businesses went to a screeching halt, some were forced to pivot just to survive and some tried to continue operations but with owners, very sadly, feeling they were running around like headless chickens.
I should know because I heard numerous of these stories from business owners themselves. Yes, it was heartbreaking to listen to them but you know what? I still held on to that spark of optimism. I knew that somehow, each and every one of us can help these businesses.
After all, you and I know very well that the success of just about anything never depends on the hands of only one man. Instead, it has always rested on the collective shoulders of many.
I wanted to help espe...