Monday, January 13Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: shopping mall cdo

Japan Home Center CDO mini-haul – do you love wastelands, too?

Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Consumer, Mindanaoan Update, Shopping
I have a confession to make. I love, love, LOVE wastelands. Wasteland as in a place that has a lot of stuff that more often than not you don't need but really want! You can leave me at a wasteland and I'll be fine for several hours. Believe it or not, I get inspired whenever I'm inside one :D In Manila, I have a couple of favorite wastelands but it's difficult to find one here in Mindanao. I guess the closest one I could think of are the 88-peso stores. Like the Japan Home Center at the Ground Floor of Limketkai Mall, Cagayan de Oro or the Daiso store at Ayala Centrio Mall. These stores are akin to the dollar stores in the U.S. (which reminds me - I also frequently visited those dollar stores when I visited America. I'm a certified wasteland nut!) Anyway, if you've been to one of the...
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