My Public Relations and Blogging speaking engagement
Advocacy, Blogging, Cagayan de Oro City, Events, Internet, Journalism, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Society, Technology
I was one of the resource speakers during the recently concluded CDO Bloggers 3rd Blogging Workshop. Held last October 22, 2011, the very successful blogging workshop saw the attendance of several would-be and existing bloggers, SEO specialists, online media practitioners and social media enthusiasts. It was really great to be in the company of like-minded individuals ;)
My topic was about public relations and blogging. Like I told the participants, I've been in the PR industry for a decade and in the traditional media for about 5 years. I discovered the beauty of blogging and online media about 5 years ago and I continue to learn a lot about the importance of putting publicity, online media, social media and blogging together.
Anyways, I talked about what publicists really do, the d...