Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: nereus acosta warrant of arrest

Warrant of arrest out for ex-Bukidnon rep Neric Acosta, mom Coring

Announcements, Bukidnon, Controversial, Government, Headline, News, Northern Mindanao, Politics
I received a phone call about two hours ago. It was a tip. Apparently, the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division has issued a warrant of arrest for former Bukidnon First District Congressman Juan Romeo Nereus "Neric" Acosta and his mother, former Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon mayor Socorro "Coring" Acosta. The warrant of arrest was made in connection with a perjury case filed against the Acostas. I was a bit surprised when I heard the news, actually. Especially since last I heard, the complainant, Fr. Venancio Balansag, Jr., has already withdrawn his complaint and has issued an affidavit of desistance. A brief backgrounder - graft and corruption charges as well as charges for violating the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials were filed against Neric Acosta and his mother. Th...
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