Monday, February 10Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: mindanao island

The Paradise That Is White Island Camiguin

The Paradise That Is White Island Camiguin

Beauty, Camiguin, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Tourism, Travel
I think no trip to Camiguin Island will ever be complete without a visit to the popular, uninhabited sand bar called White Island. It is nothing but paradise! Crystal clear water, white sand and lovely view of Mt. Hibok Hibok. Located about 10 minutes away from the shore of Barangay Yumbing (or Barangay Agoho), Camiguin Island, White Island is generally horseshoe-shaped but it usually gets reshaped because of the tides. And because the sand at White Island is very precious, the Camiguin government has issued this warning. My family and I paid White Island a visit during a recent trip to Camiguin Island. I must say, it was one of the highlights of our trip. My brothers and I (and even our Mom) are all beach babies and any opportunity for us to go and spend time in the water is most ap...

Cute vector depiction of the Island of Mindanao

Arts, Blogging, Features, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Photos
Now this is absolutely too cute to pass up! Thanks to my Twitter friend Thysz, this blogger in Mindanao got wind of this cute vectorized map of the Island of Mindanao made by one very talented artist named Renan Barco. Check this out: Methinks it's a nice depiction of Mindanao :) Congratulations, Renan! Fab job! For those of you who want to follow more of Renan's work, check his Tumblr site. (more…)

Why blame the Mindanao media all the time?

Advocacy, ARMM, BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Broadcasting, Commentary, Controversial, Crime, Government, Headline, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Sarangani, SoSCksargen, Tourism
My classmate in Ateneo and Sarangani provincial governor Miguel Rene Dominguez is asking for trouble. Not a few eyebrows will surely be raised after he reportedly blamed the Mindanao media for "always highlighting all the bad things that are happening in Mindanao." Same goes with Lt. Colonel Edgardo de Leon, commander of the 73rd Infantry Battalion, who also blamed the media. Dominguez said that the "insurgency and other conflicts in Mindanao is actually just a game of perception. And I blame the media for that!" He reportedly then said that the culture of the media today, except for a few who are practicing peace journalism, is not very commendable. De Leon, on the other hand, said that the rest of the country's and the world's perception of Mindanao at present is also the work of t...

Review: Tia’s Beach Resort Camiguin Island Mindanao budget hotel

Camiguin, Hotels, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Northern Mindanao, Reviews, Tourism, Travel
Summer is drawing near and I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, of you are thinking of places to go to during those hot summer days. And with airlines now offering more flights to and fro Camiguin Island, Mindanao, I'm sure many of you are considering the place dubbed as the "Island Born of Fire" as one of your summer destinations in the Philippines.  Tia's Beach Resort in the Island of Camiguin, Northern Mindanao, Philippines can be considered a good place to stay especially if you're on a budget. The last time my mother, brothers and I stayed there was last year during the Holy Week. We planned to go to Camiguin at the last minute so practically most of the hotels and inns were already fully booked. Good thing my brother remembered Tia's Beach Resort and how he and his friends like...
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