Wednesday, February 12Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: mindanao adventure

Compostela Valley Mindanao to have 1.5 km zipline

Compostela Valley Mindanao to have 1.5 km zipline

Business, Compostela Valley, Consumer, Features
Move over, Dahilayan Adventure Park. Another Mindanao area will soon have the longest zipline in all of Asia. Compostela Valley, Mindanao will soon be home to a whopping 1.5 kilometer zipline at Camp Manual Yan in Mawab. Yup, you read that right. One and a half kilometers! Holy cow! This new Mindanao extreme adventure will be much longer than the Bukidnon zipline. The longest zipline in Bukidnon is only 840 meters. That means that the Compostela Valley zipline will be almost double that! Dahilayan Adventure Park, which can be found in Barangay Dahilayan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, is currently the home of the longest dual cable zipline in all of Asia. The zipline in Compostela Valley will reportedly be worth Php 3 Million. The provincial government of Compostela Valley will be the ...

Going on a zipline adventure? Here’s a guide on what to bring and wear

Blogging, Bukidnon, Business, Features, Leisure, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Society, Sports
Zipline parks are now mushrooming all over Mindanao (and the rest of the country). Truth be told, a zipline is now also fast becoming part of the norm for adventure or extreme sports parks. In Mindanao alone, we have Asia's longest dual cable zipline and the longest speed zipline in Asia. The longest dual cable zipline in Asia is found in Bukidnon while the longest speed zipline in Asia is in Davao City. This blogger in Mindanao has personally tried both ziplines and in an effort to help other thrill seekers, I'm sharing a simple guide on what to wear and what to bring if you choose to have a zipline adventure real soon. But first - allow me to share with you again this checklist that I found over at Dahilayan Adventure Park ZipZone - the home of the longest dual cable zipline in ...
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