Wednesday, October 23Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: ivlp 2012

Apply Here: The US Embassy Wants To Send Mindanaoans To The USA

Apply Here: The US Embassy Wants To Send Mindanaoans To The USA

America, Mindanaoan Update, United States of America
As you guys may know, this Mindanao blogger was sent to the USA early this year as an International Visitor Leadership Program participant. The IVLP is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State for U.S. Embassy-nominated potential global leaders. It's a special program that one cannot apply to, unfortunately. However, I come bearing good news :) I just received an email from the U.S. Embassy in Manila and guess what --- they want to send Mindanaoans to the USA! Please read the details below and let me know if you're interested. Contact me and don't forget to send your email address. I will email you the necessary forms :) It would also be great if you let me know a little something about yourself :) You can read all about Mindanaoan's trip to the U.S. here Please feel fr...
Mindanaoan In America: More Washington DC photos

Mindanaoan In America: More Washington DC photos

America, Blogging, Mindanaoan Update, Photos, Travel, United States of America
I first shared some of my Washington DC USA photos awhile back. A lot of you have been asking me for more photos taken around the capital of the United States of America. Well, I'm here to please :) The photos below were taken during our Washington DC day tour, which took place a day after my fellow International Visitor Leadership Program 2012 delegates and I arrived in the USA. Like I previously mentioned, never mind if it was freezing cold that day. We were all stoked that we finally set foot in the land of milk and honey! By the way, here's the reason why I was in the States for about a month :) Yep, I was the only Filipino in the group and the only female :) I will share all about my USA and IVLP adventure using the America category. I have previously written about my trip from ...
Mindanaoan In America: Washington DC Metro Subway photos, tips

Mindanaoan In America: Washington DC Metro Subway photos, tips

Advocacy, America, Blogging, Features, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Photos, Technology, Travel, United States of America
This is a continuation of my "Mindanaoan In America" blog series :) You can read more about my escapades in the USA when I was a 2012 International Visitor Leadership Program delegate HERE. The first state that we stayed in was Washington DC. Like many states in America, Washington has its own subway or railway system. They call it the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit or simply - Metro. I found the Metro Washington DC subway easy to understand although my group and I did have to be guided by our ELO Alan especially when we already had to buy our very first fare cards or train tickets :) You can find below a photo of the farecards and passes machines - you can buy tickets there or you can always approach a friendly Metro employee. Here are some easy to follow tips on how to ...
Mindanaoan In America: How folks in Virginia USA cast their votes (photos)

Mindanaoan In America: How folks in Virginia USA cast their votes (photos)

Advocacy, America, Blogging, Features, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Photos, Technology, United States of America
In America, they have this day called Super Tuesday which refers to "the Tuesday in February or March of a presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which each party's presidential candidates are officially nominated." Super Tuesday is a very important day especially since more delegates can be won on that day more than any other single day included in the primary calendar. Hence, political parties and the candidates themselves scramble to make a mark and win during Super Tuesday. I was in Virginia, USA for Super Tuesday 2012 (March 6, 2012). All eyes were on Virginia that day especially because only 2 out of 4 names of Republican candidates were on the ballots. Only the names of former Massachu...
Mindanaoan In America: Around Washington DC

Mindanaoan In America: Around Washington DC

America, Features, Mindanaoan Update, Photos, United States of America
If I was asked to name at least 5 cities in the U.S. that I may want to live in, Washington D.C. would be one of them. I found Washington DC charming and interesting - despite the fact that politics plays a huge role there. I guess for those who abhor politics and all the scandals, flipfloppin', highs and lows that come with it, they won't feel comfortable in Washington DC. For people like me who get a natural high with fast-changing political strategies, however, Washington is the place to be. The day after I arrived in Washington D.C. USA for the start of my 3-week International Visitor Leadership Program, my fellow participants and I were toured around the city. I remember that day oh-so-well --- it was freezing cold but because we were supposed to have nice pictures taken for our...
I’m home!

I’m home!

Blogging, Features, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Travel, United States of America
So I am finally back from the U.S. I'm home, I'm home! :) *waves* I stayed in America for more than a month. I was there because I was chosen to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program, a U.S. Department of State-sponsored program. Technically, my IVLP 2012 experience only lasted for 3 weeks. However, I chose to fly to New York City, savor the sights and sounds of the Big Apple and spend my birthday there! (more on this later) I stayed in NYC for 2 weeks. I also had the chance to visit Connecticut specifically Yale University for a day. Anyway, the IVLP program that I participated in led me to Washington D.C. (and in some parts of nearby Virginia and Maryland), Orlando, Florida, Salt Lake City, Utah and Portland, Oregon. I was the only female in the group an...
Mindanaoan In America: Trip from Manila to Washington

Mindanaoan In America: Trip from Manila to Washington

America, BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Commentary, Education, Features, Headline, Manila, Media, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Society, Tourism, Travel, United States of America
This Filipino blogger is currently here in the United States of America to participate in a US Department of State-sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). You can read more about my current trip HERE. I'm very proud to let you all know that I'm the only Filipino and the only female in this group :) I will share as much as I can (and as much as I am permitted to) with you all. If you want to follow my U.S. escapades, you may want to SUBSCRIBE TO MINDANAOAN right now (click and please don't forget to verify!) or follow my official Facebook Page. For now, what I want to share with you all in this blog post will be my experience traveling from Manila to Washington, DC - the first stop of my U.S. trip. Hopefully this article will help those of you who will travel the sa...
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