Why parents should send their kids to Galileo Learning Center CDO
Let's face it. More often than not, English and Math are two of the subjects that most kids have difficulty on. The curriculum has evolved, is now advanced and is served fast-paced. There's a constant need for the children to absorb, catch up and even implement the learnings in real life.
Parents also either find it difficult to teach their kids or they do not have the luxury of time to do so. Add that to the innate interest of children to excel in school (who doesn't want to receive a medal and praise from classmates?) and things can be quite a challenge for both parents and child.
Fortunately, parents now have a partner in Galileo Enrichment Learning Program. Galileo CDO, which recently opened another branch in Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro (the first one is along Tomas Saco Street), w...