Sunday, March 9Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: fun run cdo

Surviving my first ever fun run – Freedom Run 2015 CDO

Surviving my first ever fun run – Freedom Run 2015 CDO

Advocacy, Cagayan de Oro City, Events, Features, Fitness, Health, Misamis Oriental, Musings, Northern Mindanao, Personal, Society, Sports
It's probably not just mere coincidence that my first ever fun run in my entire life was dubbed "Freedom Run 2015." In a way, me joining Freedom Run CDO 2015 does depict freedom --- freedom or breaking free from taking my health for granted, from thinking that crash and fancy diets work and even from a silly plan to just save up and undergo lipo procedures in the future. This may even sound curious but after years of promoting running events on a few of my blogs, it was only this time that I've finally, FINALLY resolved to join one. Of course, my recent interest in doing weights, going to the gym and doing CrossFit has something to do with this, too. So, yes, Freedom Run 2015 CDO really did, in many ways than one, mean freedom for me and my "new lease in life." Through the gen...
Why You Should Join Amway Nutrilite Health Run 2015 CDO

Why You Should Join Amway Nutrilite Health Run 2015 CDO

Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Consumer, Events, Northern Mindanao, Sports
The Amway Nutrilite Health Run 2015 is one of the most awaited fun runs this year. The Manila leg happened a few days ago. Next stop - CDO! Definitely good news for avid runners in Northern Mindanao. The Nutrilite Health Run 2015 CDO event will be held on March 15, 2015 (Sunday) at the Amway Distribution Center along Velez Street. Race categories: 3K, 5K and 8K. Interested to join? Here are a few really good reasons why you should join the Nutrilite Health Run CDO Leg 2015: 1. Registration fee for all categories is a very affordable flat rate of Php 300.00 only! 2. Your registration fee comes with a cool, branded running shirt, race bib with bag tag, finishers kit, Amway expo access stubs and a raffle stub. The access stubs mean FREEBIES like a sling bag, a box of facial tissu...
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