Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: blogging contest

Join the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. Triennial Awards Blogging Contest – for Visayas and Mindanao bloggers

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Contests, Features, Internet, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, News, Society, Technology, Visayas
Here's one event I'm very proud to be a part of! May I all encourage you to please join this blogging contest and please do not hesitate to share this information with all of your friends as well :) To promote the inspiring stories and work of recognized development workers in the Visayas and Mindanao, the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI) has launched the RAFI Triennial Awards Blogging Contest. Open to individuals between 13 and 35 years old based in the Visayas and Mindanao, this blogging contest highlights the RAFI Triennial Awards, its awardees and finalists. Guided by the theme, “Shaping the big picture of change”, entrants are expected to do background research on the lives and works of RAFI Triennial awardees and finalists nearest their area. The RAFI Triennial Aw...

Announcing the winners of my small housewarming online giveaway!

Announcements, Contests, Features, Internet, Mindanaoan Update
Hi everyone! Before I finally introduce the two winners of two Starbucks beverage coupons each, I would like to thank each and every one who participated in my small online giveaway :) Thank you, thank you, thank you! Woohoo! :D I really appreciate all your comments! It really warmed my heart to read all of your feedback and I hope that you all will continue to share your thoughts with me. Thanks for joining this simple online raffle :) Rest assured that I will come up with more contests for all of you! So just continue to visit okay? :) By the way, I would also like to thank all of you who have now followed me on Twitter and Facebook! Daghang salamat :) Now before I announce the winners, please note that only those who followed the contest mechanics were included i...

And the winner of my simple Starbucks contest is…

Announcements, Contests, Mindanaoan Update, Society
Here it is...finally! The winner of the simple Starbucks beverage coupon contest :) It took me a few days to figure this out since I couldn't chance upon my niece (who was supposed to draw out the lucky winner of two tall Starbucks beverage coupons) and some people who said they joined the contest couldn't see their posts on the official Facebook Page. In fairness to these people, when I did check their Facebook profiles, the requirements were all there and their posts were made public but they still didn't appear on the Mindanaoan FB Page. Ugh. So I'm not sure whether it's a technical glitch or just the universe's way of saying that FB contests may not be a good idea anymore LOL. So, in the spirit of fairness, I'm ditching the manually conducted raffle...

Subscribe and “Like” the Mindanaoan FB page to start winning prizes

Announcements, Blogging, Contests
I've been meaning to post this ever since I managed to create a Facebook Page for my humble blog but only got to finally doing this today. Yikes. Better late than never, though :) I'll be launching several contests and will be giving away some freebies in the next few days but only subscribers of and those who "liked" the Facebook Page will be allowed to join. So here's your chance for a headstart of sorts. You may join the Official Facebook Page through the widget below: Meanwhile, you can also subscribe to via email below: DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT forget to check your email address and open the email that will be sent to you by Feedburner. Click on the link that will be sent to you via email so that your email address will be...

A Mindanaoan blog worth checking out – Ganda Ever So Much!

Advocacy, Blogging, General Santos City, Humor, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, SoSCksargen
One of the things that this blogger in Mindanao loves about blogging is the fact that I get to meet other people who are as passionate about writing and sharing stuff as I am. Through blogs and activities related to blogging such as blog camps, bloggers day, bloggers summits, and online media briefings, I get to meet not only virtual friends but interesting people and friends in real life. Take the case of a fellow Mindanaoan named Orman who's behind a Mindanaoan blog that's worth checking out -! I first learned about Ganda Ever So Much through Avel, the man behind the award-winning Bariles Republic. Avel and Orman are brothers. I've been visiting Bariles Republic/ a few times before and I've been noticing Orman's name. He didn't have a blog then but ...

Write about your Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3 experience and win a NOKIA phone

Announcements, Blogging, Cagayan de Oro City, Contests, Events, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Northern Mindanao
Were you one of the participants of the recently concluded Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3? If yes, then here's your chance of winning a spanking brand new Nokia 6730 cellphone! The CDOBloggers, Inc. the organizing group of the recently held MBS3 event, is holding a blogging contest. Blog about your experience in the 3rd Mindanao Bloggers Summit in Cagayan de Oro City and get a chance to win a Nokia 6730 cellphone. To qualify, mention the following sponsors: (don’t forget to link the sponsors or make the links of the following sponsors active!) Asterisk Event and Communications – Nokia OVI – Smart Communication – Make Your Own Havaianas – 1st Rafting Adventures – UltraCraft – ...
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