Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: 2010 presidentiables

Mindanao awaits Chiz Escudero’s proclamation – he has decided but has deferred announcements

Announcements, Controversial, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities, Politics
Mindanaoans were so eager to listen to Sen. Francis "Chiz" Escudero's proclamation. After all, he was the "presidentiable" who hasn't formally declared his intentions yet...because he was still underage. Now that he has turned 40 years old, though (the minimum age required for a presidential candidate), supporters and critics alike were looking forward to his announcement. Unfortunately, it wasn't made today. Still, there's good news for his fans. Escudero has finally made a decision. And as to whether he'll really run for president or not...well...your guess is as good as mine. Chiz, who turned 40 last October 10, 2009, also said that he would not make any political announcement yet because this was not the right time to talk politics. He said that there were still many peop...

Mindanao peace and development hostaged to politics

Commentary, Controversial, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personalities, Politics
Senator (and rumored presidentiable) Francis "Chiz" Escudero has said it and I agree --- the peace and development here in Mindanao is hostaged to politics. The kind of politics that run in "Imperial Manila." One of the things that the next president should do is bring together all stakeholders in Mindanao to craft a development agenda --- one that's doable, cost efficient and worth all of our time and efforts --- that will not be hostaged to any change in administration. “Only an all-stakeholders approach will lead to the long-sought peace and meaningful development in this region, not Imperial Manila’s “urong-sulong, atras abante” approach since we gained independence,” Escudero said. The 39-year old lawmaker said the country’s development will greatly be accelerated if authorit...

Let’s not forget the 3 kidnapped teachers…part deux

Advocacy, ARMM, Basilan, Commentary, Controversial, Crime, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Sulu, Zamboanga Sibugay
MINDANAO - Opposition senator and reported 2010 presidentiable Francis "Chiz" Escudero and I share the same sentiments. Chiz Escudero, in his recent press statement, has asked the public that while it's true that we all should be happy for International Red Cross volunteer Eugenio Vagni's safe release from captivity in Basilan, we should still not forget the three teachers who remain hostages of the Abu Sayyaf. If you remember, these are my very thoughts last May 2009. The three teachers namely Jocelyn Enriquez, Jocelyn Inion and Noemi Mandi were abducted by last March 13 off the island barangay of Bangkaw-Bangkaw, Naga town, Zamboanga Sibugay while they were on the way home. “The end of Mr. Vagni’s ordeal should convince those working behind the scenes to exert more effort in...

Sen. Chiz Escudero urges Malacanang to diverte imported rice to Mindanao refugees

Commentary, Cotabato, Food, Government, Headline, Iligan City, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities
At least someone's thinking about Mindanao and Mindanao refugees! Opposition Sen. Chiz Escudero yesterday said that the government should act immediately to divert shipments of imported rice to central Mindanao so that the 380,000 refugees in evacuation centers won’t go hungry after a UN agency halted its food relief operations in the region. “We are faced with a humanitarian crisis that could become a disaster if this administration fails to act quickly to fill in the gap left by the UN World Food Program,” Escudero said. “Part of the rice we have been shipping in from abroad can be diverted to the ports of General Santos and Cotabato City. This will not make a dent in the NFA’s 82-day buffer stock,” he said. He also called on the government to ensure the safety of the staff of t...

Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson’s April 27, 2009 privilege speech (full text)

Advocacy, Announcements, Controversial, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities
If you're as baffled yet curious as I am with all this Senator Panfilo "Ping" Lacson versus Senator Manuel "Manny" Villar "ethics war," then you might want to give this a read. Here's the full text of Senator Ping's privilege speech yesterday, April 27, 2009, delivered before his fellow legislators. (Privilege Speech) By Hon. Panfilo M. Lacson Senator April 27, 2008 This will be a short privilege speech. At the outset I would like to thank the minority leader for yielding the floor to this representation and likewise to the lady senator from Antique. Mr. President, I stand on a matter of personal and collective privilege. Last Monday, 20 April 2009, this representation took the floor to clarify certain misleading statements made by some of our colleagues at the minority bloc in ...

The presidentiables, senatoriables are now reaching out to Mindanao

Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro City, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Society
The next Philippine national elections may still be a little over a year away from today but the various personalities believed to be among the "2010 senatoriables" and "2010 presidentiables" have started to make their presence felt here in Mindanao. Just a few days ago, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay paid Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao a visit. He was the guest of honor in an SK-related event, I think. However, sources told me that he also proceeded to the Province of Bukidnon to meet some political allies. Care to guess what they discussed? Senator Mar Roxas, on the other hand, has also been visible around Mindanao as of late. Touted as the Liberal Party's presidential bet, Senator Mar has been doing the rounds here as commencement exercises speaker. Same thing with the solon fro...

Is Senator Francis Chiz Escudero a datu?

Announcements, Arts, Culture, Davao City, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Personalities, Photos, Society
Apparently he now is! The once spokesperson of former President Erap Estrada (the late Fernando Poe, Jr.) and now opposition senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero was recently "adopted" as a Datu. Chiz Escudero is now also known as "Datu Matansub" (meaning approachable and wise). The adoption of Chiz as a datu was held last March 14, 2009 in Davao City, Mindanao during a meeting with tribal leaders. The meeting was held in line with the Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Conference for People and Development. Check out the photo provided to Mindanaoan by the Office of Senator Francis Escudero below. Photo by Bambam Luneta. BY THE WAY --- please --- if you have plans of reposting this entry or reusing this photo, please have the courtesy to cite the source. Thank you.
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