Wednesday, January 22Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Mindanaoan sent to Thailand for WHO-backed global summit #CRVS #everylife

Mindanao-based blogger Mindanaoan was recently sent to Bangkok, Thailand for the World Health Organisation (WHO) – backed Global Summit on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics. The blogger behind Mindanaoan was the only Filipino multi-media practitioner invited to cover the event, which was the first of its kind.

The Global Summit on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) was held last April 18-19, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. Sponsored by the WHO and the Health Metrics Network in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Global Summit on CRVS held the theme: “Moving Forward to Make Every Life Count.”

The summit followed regional meetings in Africa, Asia and Eastern Mediterranean on regional platforms, innovations and further mechanisms and concrete action in order to move CRVS up on the international development agenda.

Currently, over 200 million children around the world have not had their birth registered. will publish a series of blog posts on what happened during the said global summit. There will also be exclusive photos and interviews as well as a move to bring together social media advocates, bloggers and citizen media practitioners and urge them to help advocate proper civil registration procedures in the Philippines.

Please feel free to subscribe to Mindanaoan or follow the Mindanaoan Facebook page, my Twitter page, my Google Plus page and my Instagram profile.

My deepest gratitude to PLAN International, PLAN Asia and special thanks to Matt for the invitation!

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