Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

I want, want, want to watch this concert please!

OMG OMG OMG! These were the only words I could muster as soon as I heard that these guys were coming to the Philippines! Suddenly, there was a surge of high school memories. The shoulder pads, the teased up hair, the MC Hammer dance moves and yes folks these crooners and their songs! Haha!

Unless you were born 5 years ago, you know who All 4 One and Color Me Badd are. Heck, I bet my pants you know some of their songs by heart and you can most probably sing one or two without the need of a kodigo! Aminin! I swear, by the moon and the stars and the sky…ring a bell? What about I’m afraid that your lovin’ might be just a little too much for me…OMG CAN I SHRIEK NOW?!?!?! Sorry, fan girl mode!!!

Seriously, who doesn’t know the songs “I Swear,” “So Much In Love,” “Sexual Capacity,” “I Adore Mi Amore” and “I Wanna Sex You Up”? These songs were super duper popular in the 90’s! Yes, yes, as much as I want to believe that I’m still young, kapanahunan ko talaga sila! LOL Come on, admit it! Their songs rocked the 90’s and I bet you bought cassette tapes of their albums then! Haha! My God, how we all survived back then when we only had betamax and cassette tapes are beyond me!!!

To this day, I super love the songs of All 4 One. Their “I Swear” and “So Much In Love” songs were two of the most frequently played songs back then. “I Swear” was the anthem of a lot of couples in love, too 😀

And Color Me Badd…OH. MY. GOD. I had the biggest crushes on Bryan Abrams and Mark Calderon!!! I couldn’t help but scream when I first heard Bryan’s parts in the song “Sexual Capacity”! OMG soooo sexy!!! I still can’t figure out how he managed to pronounce the “little..ttle…ttle” part, by the way! 😛 Doesn’t he have super piercing eyes?! The kind that will surely melt you!!! OMG!!!

As for Mark (my ultra favorite among all of them) I remember I had so many posters of him in my bedroom! I was so CRAZY, MADLY, DEEPLY in love with Mark Calderon (HAHA!) that my daily night prayers then included him!!! Hahaha! I thought he was so gorgeous in the “I Adore Mi Amore” video!!! (I was so mad at the lady in the video…feeling ko dapat ako lang yung hinahalikan! HAHAHA) He’s the one with the long hair in the video below!!! (oh yeah, I once got into a fight with a school mate who was also infatuated with Mark. Long story short, I was declared Mrs. Mark Calderon bwahahaha!!!)

I was so convinced that I was going to marry him someday that I started practising my “Mrs. Mark Calderon” signature HAHAHA 😀 Oh dear, those were the days!!! Young love, sweet love!!!

I Adore Mi Amore – color me badd
– Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

So anyway, before I make a bigger fool of myself (I’m literally laughing my a** off while typing this! Flashback of memories, grabe!), can I just say that yes, yes, YESSS!!! I am sooo excited that they’re coming! Eeeeeeee!!! KILIG!!!

Color Me Badd and All 4 One will be in Mindanao on September 10, 2011, 8 PM at the Atrium of Limketkai Center, Cagayan de Oro City. I do not mind traveling all the way to CDO just to watch this show! I’d probably be shrieking like a crazy person but I don’t care! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY WANT TO WATCH THIS SHOW AND MEET THE GUYS! (And dear Bryan, please give me a kiss!!! And dear Mark Calderon, please give me two kisses!!! Haha!!!)

all 4 one and color me badd cagayan de oro mindanao


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  • Cynthia

    You got it right – OMG! I grew up listening to Color Me Badd! My older sister had a cassette tape and we played it everyday. Flashback to the 90’s! And I bet your socks that if you know Color Me Badd, you’ve danced to All 4 Love at least once in your lifetime!

    • Hi there! You’re from CDO ba? 🙂 Yes, I love that song, too! Hay grabe there’s actually no song by Color Me Badd that I do not like hehehe! Tickets daw are sold at 500, 100 and 1500 🙂 I hope I can watch!!!

  • moi panganiban

    hahaha! di naman masyado excited ano? well classic songs. better late coming here in cdo than never. back to back pa! hehe where can we buy tickets? 🙂

  • Sabrina Lopez

    Hahahaha!! I couldn’t stop laughing from reading your infatuation towards Bryan and Mark….hahahahahha!!! I have been a huge huge fan too and I must say that I once had HUGE crushes too with Bryan and Mark…yes you read it right, ONCE!!! Hahahahhahah!! Have you seen the guys lately???? I suggest you do before shrieking at the top of your lungs!!! BUT I do have to say that when it comes to “performing” their hits…They’ve still got it!!! Where you from anyway, that you have to fly to CDO to see them? They’ll be in cebu and manila as well.

    • Hi Sabrina! HIHIHIHIHI glad to see a fellow Bryan and Mark fan here! LOL Ay naku, I’ve seen their pictures and siyempre nagka-heartbreak ako when I found out that Mark got married HAHAHAHA I was also disappointed when I heard the news about Bryan allegedly beating up his wife! Yikes! Yes, I’ve seen their recent photos — di bale, pipikit naman ako during the show HAHAHAHA just kidding! I’m still gonna watch the boys! Bahala na si Batman…I still think they’re great singers and Bryan is still HOT! LOL 😀

      Yes, I’m from Mindanao. What about you? 🙂 Thanks so much for dropping by ha. Pasensya na at incoherent ang mga thoughts ko sa blog entry na ito. Super fan girl mode lang LOL

  • Sabrina Lopez

    sorry my bad…nawala ako…di ko napansin na tiga mindanao ka pala…sobrang na hung kasi ako sa blog mo…hahahahhahaha

  • Sabrina Lopez

    Will you get to interview them??? I’m soooooo excited for you!!! And at the same time…JEALOUS!!! Hahahahahahah!!!

    • @Sabrina – Hi there! Thanks so much for dropping by again. I wanted to send you a message on YouTube but I have to send pa pala a friend request daw before I can do that hehe. Hope you got the notification. Anyways, sadness lang kasi naging private na yung Tulsa videos. Awww. On the brighter side, yes, I’ll get to interview the guys! Heehee!

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