Monday, February 3Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: zainab kader

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to visit the Philippines this June 2012

Announcements, BIMP-EAGA, Features, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Personalities, Politics
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad will visit the Philippines this June 2012. Admired by many around the world, it was under the leadership of H.E. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad leadership that Malaysia developed into one of the most prosperous economies in Southeast Asia. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad will be in Manila, Philippines come June 10 to 11, 2012. He will be accompanied by his spouse H.E. Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. According to incumbent Malaysian Ambassador to the Philippines Dato Seri Dr. Ibrahim Saad, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad will have a fairly packed schedule while in the Philippines. Apart from giving a keynote lecture at the University of Santo Tomas (which will be themed loosely on modernization, good governance as well as national development), he will a...

Keeping up with the fun, funky familia!

Announcements, BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Bukidnon, Government, Headline, Hongkong, Kaamulan Festival, Leisure, Macau, Malaysia, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Personalities, Politics, Society, Technology, Tourism, Travel
Let's take a breather from my Singapore Chronicles series of blog entries, shall we? Right now, at this very minute, I'm actually taking a break myself. Taking a break from packing my clothes, preparing my documents and checking (and re-checking) my to-do list. And for some reason, amid all the chaos, I am now rather becoming a little bit sentimental. I can't help it. I become mushy whenever I think of my beloved fun and funky family :) Come to think of it - in the past year alone, so many things have happened to me and my family. First off, we finally moved to our new home! It's smaller than the previous one we lived in for years but at least this one's ours! Woohoo! :D I was so excited that I shouldered the special landscaping for our front yard. Never mind if it shaved a lot off m...

At the wedding reception of the Malaysian ambassador’s daughter

BIMP-EAGA, Blogging, Features, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Politics, Society
Ever since I had the utmost privilege to meet the Ambassador of Malaysia to the Philippines Dato Seri Dr. Ibrahim Saad and his beautiful wife Datin Seri Dato Zainab Kader, I've become so fascinated with Malaysia, its people, its culture and traditions and even their food! I've also become quite fascinated with certain similarities between the Philippines and Malaysia and the glaring fact that at the end of the day, we really all are connected. So when I received this special invitation to attend the wedding reception of the Malaysian ambassador's daughter Zaireen Ayu Ibrahim and her groom Shazlan Sufian, I knew I just had to go. Not only was it a fabulous chance for me to witness an akad nikah (traditional Malay wedding) but it was also a chance for me to meet and mingle with new Malays...
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