Tuesday, January 14Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: summer workshop in cdo

Learn how to create fresh, fun, funky photographs! Join the Razzle Dazzle photography workshop

Announcements, Arts, Cagayan de Oro City, Features, Mindanaoan Update, Photos, Society
According to the good ol' Webster Dictionary, the term "razzle dazzle" means: raz•zle-daz•zle (r z l-d z l) n. Informal 1. Dazzling excitement. 2. Extravagant or showy display, as of technique Inspired by the meaning of this term, Mindanaoan suggested this to my youngest brother, who happens to be a professional photographer. Hence, the birth of the "Razzle Dazzle Photography Workshop"! Summer is fast approaching! Instead of lazing around all day and being perfectly useless till June, why not enhance your artistic skills? As soon as June kicks in, you're swagging your new photo skills! Everyone can snap a photo, but can you do it the FRESH FUN FUNKY WAY? (more…)
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