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Tag: steve jobs

Hats off to you Steve Jobs | Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University

Advocacy, Blogging, Commentary, Headline, Internet, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Society, Technology
Steve Jobs. Apple Co-Founder. American computer entrepreneur and inventor. Former Pixar Animation Chief Executive Officer. Adopted as a child but became to be one of the greatest geniuses of our time. 1955 - 2011. So much has been said about the man we all know as the one behind the iMac, iPod, iTouch and iPhone. When Steve Jobs died yesterday, October 5, 2011, people mourned, people became "iSad, iMourn, iCry." As a fan and user of Apple products, I also became very sad. I took to Twitter and shared my thoughts. I agree, Steve Jobs made the world immeasurably better. And I will forever be thankful that he shared his talent, skill and passion with all of us. However, I also have to say one thing: I will think about death much like how Steve Jobs did. It'll inspire me to follow my ...
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