Monday, February 10Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: skywalk

Off to Cebu City! Visayas here I come!

Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Tourism, Travel, Visayas
Mindanaoan is off to Cebu City tomorrow and will be back by Tuesday. However, I just got word that the hotel in Cebu where I'll stay in has WiFi access (hopefully it's free! *fingers crossed*) so I think I'll be able to post and entry or two while I'm in the Queen City of the South. My trip will be a combination of business and pleasure so I really hope to make the most of my time in Cebu City. While it's not my first time to travel to Cebu City, Visayas, it'll be my first time to take "better photos" (hopefully!) of the city's sights. It'll be my first time to take photos using my ever trusty Nokia DSLR, my first time since I got more engrossed with digital photography and my first time since the photography workshops, trainings and one-on-one tutorials. Pretty excited - yes I am! I...
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