Wednesday, January 15Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: public relations specialist

I want to meet YOU on October 22! I am a speaker at this blogging workshop – come and join!

I want to meet YOU on October 22! I am a speaker at this blogging workshop – come and join!

Advocacy, Announcements, Blogging, Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Consumer, Events, Headline, Internet, Journalism, Media, Mindanaoan Update, Technology
I will make this short and sweet. This Mindanao blogger will be one of the speakers during the CDO Bloggers 3rd Blogging Workshop on October 22, 2011, 1 PM to 5 PM at Loreto's Grill, #35 Tomas Saco - 6th Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines. My topic: Public Relations and Blogging. If you're wondering what each of these are, how the two can mix together and how important it is that the two go hand and hand, then that's exactly why you must come and attend ;) There will be two other speakers and their topics will be about social media / SEO and web / Internet Marketing. A very minimal fee of Php 300.00 (this is already inclusive of a meal for one) will be collected and the event will only accommodate up to 75 people. I hope to see you guys there. I would love to ...
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