Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: press statement on maguindanao massacre

Atty. Adel Tamano’s statement on the martial law declaration in Maguindanao

Announcements, Commentary, Maguindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities, Politics
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has declared martial law in Maguindanao, Mindanao. The declaration, contained in Proclamation 1959, also suspended the writ of habeas corpus in the province. In line with this, Mindanaoan senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano released a statement on the Maguindanao martial law declaration: The Maguindanao massacre was an outrage but you do not solve it by committing an outrage on the rights of Mindanaoans, specifically those of Muslim Mindanao, by declaring unconstitutional martial law. The lack of actual - not merely possible or imminent - rebellion shows the illegality of the declaration. While all Filipinos, Mindanaoans especially, want swift justice against the monsters who committed the massacre, it must be done within the bounds ...

President Gloria Arroyo’s press statement on the Maguindanao massacre

Announcements, Controversial, Cotabato, Crime, Headline, Maguindanao, Mindanaoan Update
Lame duck President Gloria Arroyo released a statement on the very gruesome Maguindanao massacre...the very massacre that led the International Federation of Journalists to declare that the Philippines is the most dangerous place for journalists to work in. Yep, after Efren Penaflorida's triumph as CNN Hero of the Year and after Mindanao Manny Pacquiao's 7th world title, the Philippines is again hogging headlines. And sadly, Mindanao is at the center of it all. I can't quite point a finger to it...I don't know but I feel icky whenever I read this so-called "press statement." Maybe because the government hasn't done a thing ever since this entire brutality took place. Or maybe because all of PGMA's mouthpieces have only exercised lip service and nothing else. Or maybe because I am just t...
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