Friday, March 28Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: pinay blogger in america

Hello from New York!

Hello from New York!

America, Announcements, Blogging, Mindanaoan Update, New York, Personal, Travel, United States of America, Videos
Hello! I finally have the time to just sit down and blog! It's true - this surely is the city that never sleeps. I'm talking about New York City, USA! Yup, I'M BACKKK!!! Can you tell how excited I am? No? Maybe that's because I'm freaking freezing my a** off LOL :D I arrived here in New York about two days before a big blizzard. Just when I thought winter season was about to close and spring was about to come! I guess winter just wanted to leave with a bang, eh? Although it wasn't my first time to encounter snow, it was my first time to be in the middle of a raging blizzard. But deadma sa blizzard --- pose kung pose! :D Before I inundate you with my America-related blog posts, allow me to share with you my vlog about my flight from Cebu to Incheon (South Korea) and finally to ...
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