Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: opposition senator

Mindanao peace and development hostaged to politics

Commentary, Controversial, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personalities, Politics
Senator (and rumored presidentiable) Francis "Chiz" Escudero has said it and I agree --- the peace and development here in Mindanao is hostaged to politics. The kind of politics that run in "Imperial Manila." One of the things that the next president should do is bring together all stakeholders in Mindanao to craft a development agenda --- one that's doable, cost efficient and worth all of our time and efforts --- that will not be hostaged to any change in administration. “Only an all-stakeholders approach will lead to the long-sought peace and meaningful development in this region, not Imperial Manila’s “urong-sulong, atras abante” approach since we gained independence,” Escudero said. The 39-year old lawmaker said the country’s development will greatly be accelerated if authorit...

Rumored presidentiable Sen. Chiz Escudero and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte share a light moment during Kadayawan Festival 2009

Blogging, Davao City, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, Personalities, Photos, Politics
Fans of rumored presidentiable Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo "Rody" Duterte will love the picture in this Mindanaoan blog entry. Opposition Sen. Chiz Escudero was one of the main guests of Mayor Rody during festivities marking the city’s Kadayawan Festival 2009 last August 22, 2009. Judging by the happy smiles on the faces of these two popular political personalities, do you think this is a sign of an alliance to come? WHAT DO YOU THINK? In his visits to Mindanao, by the way, Escudero has repeatedly called for increased investments by government in agriculture and infrastructure to maximize the island’s economic potential.
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