Thursday, February 13Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: onlinebukidnon

Bukidnon Kaamulan Festival 2009 Ethnic Street Dancing competition to have 7 contingents

Announcements, Bukidnon, Culture, Entertainment, Events, Festivals, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, News, Opinion, Personal, Society, Tourism, Travel
I learned from the Kaamulan Festival 2009 Chief Coordinator today that a total of seven (7) contingents will compete during the Kaamulan Ethnic Street Dancing competition this Saturday, March 7, 2009. The contingents will represent the cities of Malaybalay and Valencia and the municipalities of Cabanglasan, Kalilangan, San Fernando, Malitbog and Quezon. I must admit, I was a little bit disappointed with the news. Out of 20 municipalities in Bukidnon and 2 full pledged cities and only 7 will vie for this year's much-awaited event! However, the Kaamulan overall coordinator said that in recent years, the provincial government of Bukidnon has imposed a couple of changes in the way they handle the yearly festival --- and the cutting down of budgets for official streetdancing competitors is o...

Full statement of former Bukidnon congressman Neric Acosta on graft charges filed against him

Bukidnon, Commentary, Controversial, Government, Headline, Media, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao, Opinion, Personal, Personalities
Yesterday, February 25, 2009, Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez ordered the filing of graft charges against former Bukidnon First District Congressman Neric Acosta, his mother former Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon mayor Socorro Acosta and his aunt Nemia Bornidor (member of the Board of Trustees of the Bukidnon Integrated Network of Home Industries, Inc. and JR Nereus Acosta's aunt). The case stemmed from a complaint filed by Fr. Venancio Balansag Jr., Fr. Wilredo Torayno, Vicente N. AbrogueƱa (now deceased), and Felix Vergara, Jr. representing the Bukidnon Crusade Against Graft and Corruption. The BCAGC alleged that on January 9, 2001, the former Bukidnon congressman and Yale World Fellow and then Mayor Amado Noble of Talakag, Bukidnon executed a Memorandum of Agreement providing for the appropr...
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