Saturday, March 29Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: online raffle

Why I’m inspired to vlog (plus a quick and easy giveaway!)

Why I’m inspired to vlog (plus a quick and easy giveaway!)

Announcements, Contests, Features, Freebies, Personal, Travel, Videos
I'll make this short and sweet :) I'm pretty inspired to vlog (video blog) these days because I'm off to a big trip real soon and I plan to take lots of videos while I'm there. If things go as planned, I will be away for quite a while. Besides, I feel that vlogging can help hone my skills, if any LOL. Anyway, it would really be awesome if you could join me during my big trip by following my Mindanaoan YouTube Channel. I would be so thrilled to see your comments and hear from all of you so please, please subscribe to my YouTube channel :) To really get you inspired to subscribe right now (YAY), I'd like to hold a quick and easy giveaway! I have 8 prizes in store for you. Lookie: Happy with what you saw? I have totes bought in Singapore, coin purses bought in...
4,000 likes on Facebook! Join my simple giveaway

4,000 likes on Facebook! Join my simple giveaway

Announcements, Blogging, Freebies, Gifts, Shopping, Technology
Hi, everyone! Just discovered something pretty exciting today! My humble Facebook page has reached 4,000 likes! :) Well, technically, it's nearing 4,100 likes now so I'm really very thrilled! Daghang salamat, thank you very much for the support. Are we Facebook friends yet? If we aren't yet, please do join me here: Now to celebrate, I'm giving away a couple of items in the next few weeks! :) Let me start with these :) Two winners will receive a PagBAG-o Project tote bag plus two pieces of Chorvita mini notepads by Tahanan Books each. The PagBAG-o Project bags are made by female Typhoon Sendong survivors who now live at Xavier Ecoville. Read more about these bags and how buying them can help the livelihood of many women survivors ...

Announcing the winners of my small housewarming online giveaway!

Announcements, Contests, Features, Internet, Mindanaoan Update
Hi everyone! Before I finally introduce the two winners of two Starbucks beverage coupons each, I would like to thank each and every one who participated in my small online giveaway :) Thank you, thank you, thank you! Woohoo! :D I really appreciate all your comments! It really warmed my heart to read all of your feedback and I hope that you all will continue to share your thoughts with me. Thanks for joining this simple online raffle :) Rest assured that I will come up with more contests for all of you! So just continue to visit okay? :) By the way, I would also like to thank all of you who have now followed me on Twitter and Facebook! Daghang salamat :) Now before I announce the winners, please note that only those who followed the contest mechanics were included i...
Join my small housewarming online giveaway!

Join my small housewarming online giveaway!

Announcements, Blogging, Consumer, Contests, Features
Hi everyone! This Mindanao blogger is back from a weeklong trip to Singapore and Malaysia. Yes, this is my second time in both countries…having been there last February 2011 with my mom. Needless to say, I have fallen in love with these two Asian countries! This time around, I traveled with my brother, a female friend and two female cousins. Since I was the "returnee" in the group, I was also the self-appointed tour guide. Our trip went really well (I'll make kuwento!) except that I had terrible flu the night before our flight. On the day of our departure for the Philippines, I still had fever. I was so scared I couldn't go through immigration since they might check my body temperature and all. I took some medicines and thankfully, my temperature decreased. I was able to pass through Si...

And the winner of my simple Starbucks contest is…

Announcements, Contests, Mindanaoan Update, Society
Here it is...finally! The winner of the simple Starbucks beverage coupon contest :) It took me a few days to figure this out since I couldn't chance upon my niece (who was supposed to draw out the lucky winner of two tall Starbucks beverage coupons) and some people who said they joined the contest couldn't see their posts on the official Facebook Page. In fairness to these people, when I did check their Facebook profiles, the requirements were all there and their posts were made public but they still didn't appear on the Mindanaoan FB Page. Ugh. So I'm not sure whether it's a technical glitch or just the universe's way of saying that FB contests may not be a good idea anymore LOL. So, in the spirit of fairness, I'm ditching the manually conducted raffle...
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