Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: nike dream season sneakers

NBA Superstar Kobe Bryant in Mindanao

Advocacy, Commentary, Events, General Santos City, Humor, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Sarangani, SoSCksargen, South Cotabato, Sports
NBA MVP and Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant is coming back to Manila! Nike has made an official announcement that NBA superstar Kobe Bryant will be in Manila, Philippines on July 21, 2009 (this actually falls on a Tuesday so I'm guessing there will be many students who will cut classes so that they can keep up with the Kobe Bryant in Manila schedule). Kobe's much-awaited Asia Tour 2009 will kick off in Manila then the LA Lakers player will be off to Singapore, Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Cheng Du. During this Asia Tour, Kobe Bryant will also promote the new Nike Dream Season sneakers exclusively released for Asia. I'm sure Kobe will be a busy bee while he's here in the Philippines. Actually, by the time he comes over, he has most probably finished filming a Nike comm...
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