Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: new york travel

At the Carrie Bradshaw of Sex And The City apartment New York

At the Carrie Bradshaw of Sex And The City apartment New York

America, Entertainment, Features, Movies, New York, Society, Style, Television, Tourism, Travel, United States of America
"And there, in the same city where they met as girls, four New York women entered the next phase of their lives, dressed head to toe in love. And that's the one label that never goes out of style." Does this sound familiar? Even more so - do you know those lines by heart? Then, why, hello there, fellow Sex and the City fan! Are you Team Big or Team Aidan? Regardless of who you're rooting for - one thing's for certain. We all know an apartment building in New York with an all too familiar looking stoop, where a girl cried, laughed, sat, fell in love, kissed and talked about her love for shoes! Are you Team Big or Team Aidan? Regardless of who you're rooting for - one thing's for certain. We all know an apartment building in New York with an all too familiar looking stoop, where a girl...
Stay within your travel budget with this one-stop booking app

Stay within your travel budget with this one-stop booking app

Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Reviews, Technology, Travel
Travel makes my soul very happy. Traveling brings a different kind of joy and excitement. Discovering (and even getting lost - but that’s where the thrill is!) new places, meeting fascinating people, immersing in a different culture, celebrating over delicious food - sigh! Do you feel the same way? Because if you do then I’m sure that you would also grab each and every opportunity to travel faster than the speed of lightning. Alas, such is easier said than done. With travel comes expenses and more often than not, it’s a challenge to stick to our travel budget. * Took this photo at a place overlooking Lake Taal in Tagaytay, Philippines. It's breathtaking * Me at Central Park, New York, USA Fortunately, there’s a one-stop booking app that allows us to stick within our ...
Hello from New York!

Hello from New York!

America, Announcements, Blogging, Mindanaoan Update, New York, Personal, Travel, United States of America, Videos
Hello! I finally have the time to just sit down and blog! It's true - this surely is the city that never sleeps. I'm talking about New York City, USA! Yup, I'M BACKKK!!! Can you tell how excited I am? No? Maybe that's because I'm freaking freezing my a** off LOL :D I arrived here in New York about two days before a big blizzard. Just when I thought winter season was about to close and spring was about to come! I guess winter just wanted to leave with a bang, eh? Although it wasn't my first time to encounter snow, it was my first time to be in the middle of a raging blizzard. But deadma sa blizzard --- pose kung pose! :D Before I inundate you with my America-related blog posts, allow me to share with you my vlog about my flight from Cebu to Incheon (South Korea) and finally to ...
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