Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: new york blog

My GMA 7 TV interview experience

My GMA 7 TV interview experience

Advocacy, Bisaya, Blogging, Entertainment, Features, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Personalities, Society, Television
It was an invitation for a TV interview I simply couldn't resist. Just recently, I was interviewed for a segment of "At Home with GMA Regional TV," a morning TV show aired all over Mindanao, Philippines! I shared a bit about my blogging journey, how and why I started, the places I've been to around the world (I've visited Japan, the two Koreas, Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, the United States of America and more), some tips on how to become a responsible social media user and tips for folks who want to start their own blogs/vlogs/podcast etc. I also shared a bit of good news - I landed on the 4th spot on the Top 60 New York Lifestyle Blogs, Influencers and Websites 2021! The interview was aired on: GMA TV 5 Davao, GMA TV 35 Cagayan de Oro, GMA TV 8 General Santos Cit...
I was a Miss Kasanggayahan pageant judge

I was a Miss Kasanggayahan pageant judge

Beauty, Events, Fashion, Features, Festivals, Fiesta, Mindanaoan Update, Society, Style, Videos
In an earlier post, I shared all about my fun visit to Sorsogon Capitol to see my dear friend (and ok, sige na nga, super crush!) former Senator now Governor Francis "Chiz" Escudero. I was in Sorsogon, the name of which means "to trace a river upstream," because Sir Chiz, Miss Malu and the Sorsogon Tourism Office invited me for a fun and exciting task - to be one of the judges of the most-awaited annual beauty pageant of the province, Miss Kasanggayahan! I was so thrilled and readily accepted the invitation. It was my chance to see lovely Sorsogon, see old friends and meet new ones and of course, to observe Sir Chiz in his turf. As expected, he was so chill as he roamed around, drove his own vehicle and hosted us for lunch and dinner. By the way, he was so excited to share his...
New York Locations Made Famous on the Big Screen and in Television

New York Locations Made Famous on the Big Screen and in Television

America, Mindanaoan Update, New York, Travel, United States of America
Hollywood has had a long-running, on again-off again relationship with the state of New York. I say that in the sense of plenty of TV shows and movies have been filmed there, but there are also plenty of other locations around the world where television shows and movies have been filmed as well, so Hollywood may stray away from New York for a little while, but it always comes back and has created movies and some of television’s most notable shows that are still relevant today! There are certain TV shows and movies that immediately come to mind when you think of New York. For example, Seinfeld, Friends, and Sex and the City are big ones that come to mind. Although some of these shows were filmed as early as the late 80s, they can still be seen on television today… that just goes to show ...
I Joined A Sex and the City Tour in New York

I Joined A Sex and the City Tour in New York

America, Fashion, Features, New York, Tourism, United States of America
“And there, in the same city where they met as girls, four New York women entered the next phase of their lives…dressed head to toe in love. And that’s the one label that never goes out of style.” - Carrie Bradshaw Does this sound familiar? I actually used that in a previous blog post! Now, I'm using it again because this time, I just didn't visit the apartment of Carrie Bradshaw, I got to tour other Sex and the City hotspots! Hi and hello, fellow Sex and the City fans! Would you believe that our favorite SATC series is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year? Sex and the City first aired on June 6, 1998 --- time flies so fast my, sadly, non-Manolo Blahnik shoes can't keep up. I can't help but wonder --- how many of you still watch old Sex and the City episodes? Can you sti...
Starting a new blog – see you there!

Starting a new blog – see you there!

America, Blogging, Technology, United States of America
Hi, friends! I'll make this short and sweet. This is all still a work in progress but I do hope that you accept my invitation to please check out my new blog - Lifestyle + Travels. And before someone asks - NO, I won't abandon Most definitely not! The Lifestyle + Travels blog is a new passion project that will be more about my international escapades, (mis)adventures especially here in New York, USA (my new home!), product reviews, celebrity encounters and interviews (woohoo!), event coverages around the world and more for a global audience as opposed to Mindanaoan that oftentimes still focuses on Philippine-centric issues. I have a lot of really great plans for my new blog (including more vlogs!) so please do check it out. I would also be super grateful if you can su...
At Oyster Bay New York

At Oyster Bay New York

America, Mindanaoan Update, Tourism, Travel, United States of America
A few weeks ago, I went with my New York City-based aunt to Oyster Bay. The easternmost of all the 3 towns in Nassau County, the Town of Oyster Bay is actually still a part of the New York metropolitan area. It's about an hour and a half away from NYC and is the only town in Nassau County that extends from the North Shore to the South Shore of Long Island. Unfortunately, I only had the chance to visit the Waterfront Center at the West End Ave of Oyster Bay. My aunt and her org-mates had a function at the main hall there and since I was only technically "sabit" (hehe), I just basically took my sweet time as well and laid on the grass beside the hall. Just as well - since I needed to just breathe, relax and enjoy the breeze. Anyway, we took the LIRR train to get to Oyster Bay. LIRR sch...
Grand Central Station New York – what to do, see, eat

Grand Central Station New York – what to do, see, eat

America, Mindanaoan Update, Tourism, United States of America
One of the popular New York tourist spots (and one of my favorite places in NYC to visit, take photos and people watch) is the Grand Central Station. Going to this station is definitely included in the "must-do while in New York City" lists. Grand Central Station is beautiful, has tons of history, majestic and, with over 21 million people visiting it every year, it is one of the largest, busiest train stations in the world. Several years ago, a friend and I took the train here to head to Pittsburgh. A few weeks ago, my aunt and I took the train from Grand Central Station to go apple picking at Dutchess County. And just last week, I accompanied a friend who took pre-nuptial photos of a couple at the Grand Central Terminal. This is where you go when you need to travel on the Metro Nort...
At the Carrie Bradshaw of Sex And The City apartment New York

At the Carrie Bradshaw of Sex And The City apartment New York

America, Entertainment, Features, Movies, New York, Society, Style, Television, Tourism, Travel, United States of America
"And there, in the same city where they met as girls, four New York women entered the next phase of their lives, dressed head to toe in love. And that's the one label that never goes out of style." Does this sound familiar? Even more so - do you know those lines by heart? Then, why, hello there, fellow Sex and the City fan! Are you Team Big or Team Aidan? Regardless of who you're rooting for - one thing's for certain. We all know an apartment building in New York with an all too familiar looking stoop, where a girl cried, laughed, sat, fell in love, kissed and talked about her love for shoes! Are you Team Big or Team Aidan? Regardless of who you're rooting for - one thing's for certain. We all know an apartment building in New York with an all too familiar looking stoop, where a girl...
Raising $35 Million In An Hour | Red Nose Day New York 2017

Raising $35 Million In An Hour | Red Nose Day New York 2017

America, Entertainment, Events, Features, New York, Society, United States of America
I had the honor of witnessing the Red Nose Day 2017 live show here in New York City, USA. If you’re as uninitiated like I was, Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign run by the nonprofit organization Comic Relief Inc. Launched in 2015, the campaign has raised $60 Million so far and guess what? That night when I was at Rockefeller Plaza, where the hour-long show was aired live, a whopping $35 Million was raised! What makes Red Nose Day pretty special is that the money it raises supports programs that ensure children in need are safe, healthy and educated, both in the United States and in some of the poorest communities around the world. The grants go to groups including Save the Children, The Global Fund, Children’s Health Fund and more. I know that Save the Children has multiple program...
Hello from New York!

Hello from New York!

America, Announcements, Blogging, Mindanaoan Update, New York, Personal, Travel, United States of America, Videos
Hello! I finally have the time to just sit down and blog! It's true - this surely is the city that never sleeps. I'm talking about New York City, USA! Yup, I'M BACKKK!!! Can you tell how excited I am? No? Maybe that's because I'm freaking freezing my a** off LOL :D I arrived here in New York about two days before a big blizzard. Just when I thought winter season was about to close and spring was about to come! I guess winter just wanted to leave with a bang, eh? Although it wasn't my first time to encounter snow, it was my first time to be in the middle of a raging blizzard. But deadma sa blizzard --- pose kung pose! :D Before I inundate you with my America-related blog posts, allow me to share with you my vlog about my flight from Cebu to Incheon (South Korea) and finally to ...
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