Ardent Hibok Hibok Spring Resort Camiguin Island
So after our fun Mantigue Island escapade, my family and I then proceeded to Ardent Hot Spring Resort in Camiguin Island. Since it's been a few years since our last Camiguin Island trip, we didn't know that this Camiguin tourist spot has been renamed. Apparently, it's now called Ardent Hibok-Hibok Spring Resort and it's now being run by the local government of Camiguin.
Ardent is a natural hot springs resort. The fresh and hot sulfuric flowing water comes from Mt. Hibok Hibok and its temperature can reach as much as 40 degrees Centrigrade. Sulfur in water has therapeutic effects. It can help address health concerns like skin diseases, asthma and rheumatism.
There are a few pools at Ardent. The water temperature in each pool also varies. This one below is the main pool. Sometimes,...