Thursday, February 13Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: missy bonbon cdo

New sexy breakfast choices at Missy Bon Bon #MissyBonBonCDO

Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Food
Mornings with Missy Bon Bon are now sexier and extra special! Aside from their delicious pastels (a popular Cagayan de Oro pasalubong) and gelato, Missy Bon Bon now also serves new breakfast choices! They now have new omelettes, pancakes and toasts and even honest-to-goodness longtime local faves. The yema pancake de Cagayan, for instance, is surely heaven for those with sweet tooth. The danggit pamahaw de Cebu, composed of sun-cured salted fish, garlic rice, fried egg and vinegar dip, is sure to remind you of how simple life really is and how simple food brings us joy! You might also like to try the Karambola - crispy pork adobo flakes with sweet bagoong rice and fried egg. Perfect for those who want something that could help kickstart the day. Omelettes are also sexie...
Missy BonBon Centrio Ayala Mall Offers Free Gelato @AyalaCentrio

Missy BonBon Centrio Ayala Mall Offers Free Gelato @AyalaCentrio

Announcements, Blogging, Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Corporate, Events, Food
Here's a fun reason for you to be the very first in line when Centrio Ayala Mall opens on November 9, 2012. Missy BonBon Breadshop Centrio Ayala Mall is bringing back the exciting Golden Ticket contest! The Missy BonBon Golden Ticket contest entitles the winners free supplies of yummy gelato :) Missy BonBon Centrio is offering the very first customer of the day a 1 year supply of free delicious Gelato at the Missy Bonbon breadshop. The second customer on the day of the opening will get a 6 months supply of free Gelato while the 3rd to 100th customer of the day will get month-long supplies of free Missy BonBon Gelato. For you to join the Missy BonBon Grab the Golden Ticket promo, however, a minimum purchase of Php200 is required. So are you ready to be at the opening of Ayala Centr...
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