Monday, February 10Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: mindanaoa

Full text – Sen. Ping Lacson’s siblings speak out

Announcements, Blogging, Controversial, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, News, Politics
From my mailbox --- received this press release from the Office of Senator Ping Lacson. It's the full text of Senator Panfilo Lacson's sibling's statement "In Defense of Our Family’s Honor." I am printing this verbatim: In every Filipino family, two things are most treasured: honor and home. Our brother, Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson is accused of masterminding the murder of Salvador “Bubby” Dacer and his driver. The principal evidence against him that the previous administration’s DOJ investigating panel and the court considered “probable cause” was an affidavit by a lone witness, Cesar Mancao. In that affidavit, Mancao narrated a supposed conversation inside a car between Ping and Michael Ray Aquino wherein Ping allegedly ordered Aquino to have Dacer murdered. He claimed to have ov...

Bukidnon Online has a new look – check it out ;)

Bukidnon, Internet, Mindanaoan Update, Technology
Are you from Bukidnon? Or were you born in Bukidnon but you're now living in a different place? Or do you wish to learn more about the latest in Bukidnon - Bukidnon news, updates, features, photos, events etc? Bukidnon Online might just be the website you're looking for! A little over a year old, Bukidnon Online now sports a different look. Now made with Wordpress, this website about Bukidnon aims to showcase the province's rich culture, various tourist spots, fun-filled events and amazing people. Bukidnon Online will also feature exclusive photos, interviews, profiles of Bukidnon personalities etc. Considered the food basket of Mindanao, Bukidnon is also the home of the only remaining authentic ethnic festival in the Philippines - the Kaamulan Festival. Do check out the spanking bra...
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