Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: mindanao trainings

DTI Northern Mindanao to offer income generating livelihood, entrepreneurial trainings

Announcements, Business, Government, Mindanaoan Update, News, Northern Mindanao
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Regional Office in Northern Mindanao has just shared with Mindanaoan the series of income generating livelihood and entrepreneurial trainings that they are set to offer for free. Simultaneous trainings and seminars will be conducted this month in the different provinces by the various DTI branches in response to the Comprehensive Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (CLEEP) of the national government. The following CLEEP trainings and seminars are open to all and registration is FREE but on a first come and first serve basis only as the venue could only accommodate a limited number of participants. Be sure to register early! Interested parties can just visit the nearest DTI Provincial Office or the Regional Office at Corrales-Luna...
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