Call for entries: Mindanao Film Festival 2011
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Calling all filmmakers! The 2011 Mindanao Film Festival is now calling for entries! The 7th Mindanao Film Festival is opening its doors for Mindanaoan / Mindanawan / Mindanawon filmmakers as well as non-Mindanaoan movie makers but whose feature length film, short film, movies or documentary is about, shot in or related to Mindanao.
The Mindanao Film Festival 2011 is an initiative to showcase films made in, made about and made by Mindanaoan filmmakers. The festival aims to popularize the art of independent filmmaking as an essential medium of cultural and artistic expression.
This year, there will be two categories. One is the Exhibition Films and Student Films --- these are films shot between October 2010 and September 2011. These films should not have also been shown in past Mindana...