Thursday, February 13Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: mindanao exclusives

Smart, Talk ‘N Text Mindanao exclusives

Advocacy, Announcements, Business, Consumer, Mindanao, Mindanaoan Update
I'm sure that most, if not all, of you have noticed the various billboards, posters, tarps and radio ads about SMART and Talk 'N Text's Mindanao exclusives --- exclusive "unlimited texting" and "unlimited calls" promos meant only for Mindanao subscribers. I have yet to try this type of promo but I'm wondering if it's worth the trouble? You see, many of the people I know who've registered under these so-called Mindanao exclusives promos of SMART and Talk 'N Text have encountered several problems. For one, they claim that they no longer receive messages especially during night time even though the people who sent them those messages swore to the high heavens that they "successfully sent" those SMS notes. Still, these types of promos are very interesting and I would really like to try t...
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