Thursday, January 16Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: millenials speak

3 Things Millenials Should Learn To Do Right Now

3 Things Millenials Should Learn To Do Right Now

America, Musings, New York, Personal, Society
Hello again from New York City! Winter’s over and it’s technically spring but the weather’s still biting cold! Interestingly (or odd, depending on how you look at it) enough, I like this kind of weather. My hands are freezing, yes, but my makeup lasts longer! (It’s a girl thing.) Seriously, I think spring is a lovely season and I can’t wait to explore the Big Apple some more. Anyway, I’m celebrating my birthday this week (woo hoo!) and as much as I want to consider myself a millenial, I no longer am. Which is totally fine, by the way. Youth is all but a state of mind! Hence, armed with a little more confidence because I’m, ahem ahem, a teensy weensy bit older, I thought of sharing a few quick thoughts on what millenials should learn to do right about now. With the millenials’ passion to...
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