Wednesday, February 19Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: maitum

Munato Festival 2011 in Sarangani

Munato Festival 2011 in Sarangani

Announcements, Arts, Culture, Events, Festivals, Fiesta, General Santos City, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Sarangani, Tourism, Travel
Sarangani Province in Mindanao, Philippines has always fascinated me. First, because it's a haven of rich Filipino culture. Second, because it seems to be a great location for photography enthusiasts like myself. Third, because it has a lot of activities for tourists and fourth, because a former classmate of mine has successfully turned this Mindanao province into one of the busiest and most colorful places in the Philippines. Yup, I'm talking about incumbent Sarangani Governor Miguel Rene Dominguez. Today, Sarangani is no longer considered just as "that area you pass through" when you traverse the General Santos City - Davao City highway. It's now a tourism and business hub and a place that you really must visit whenever you're in SOCCSKSARGEN. If only you need to take a quick peek at ...

Rice coffee in Mindanao

Agriculture, BIMP-EAGA, Food, Sarangani
I can declare that, yes, I, Mindanaoan, am a certified regular coffee drinker. I find it difficult to start the day without at least a cup of coffee (I'm a happier camper if I have two). I also frequent coffee shops and I have also tried drinking coffee from sidewalk vendors and from vendors at the bus terminal (you know who I mean - when you absolutely need to take a trip in the wee hours in the morning and all you can find are the ever reliable manangs and manongs who put up their "painit" stations - and by stations I mean a single table, a few glasses, coffee, sugar, some milk if you're lucky and thermos). I do know that drinking coffee has some health benefits. Still, I want to cut down on my intake or at least drink decaffeinated kape. Fortunately, there seems to be another choi...
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