Thursday, December 19Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: made in cagayan de oro

Made in CDO: ACCESS Lifestyle, a gamechanging lifestyle discount and rewards card

Made in CDO: ACCESS Lifestyle, a gamechanging lifestyle discount and rewards card

Announcements, Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Corporate, Features, Mindanaoan Update
If there’s something that I absolutely have so much respect for, it’s a risk taker. I think it takes a whole lot of intestinal fortitude to enter the great unknown, with just your passion, vision and optimism. That’s why when I first heard that a small group of folks in Cagayan de Oro wanted to offer a local lifestyle discount and rewards card that aimed to gather brands that we’re all very familiar with, I wanted to know more. See, ordinarily, whenever we encounter a loyalty or discount card, it’s only for one brand. With ACCESS Lifestyle Card, however, you receive awesome benefits from over 60 establishments (and that number’s growing!). ACCESS Lifestyle Card is the first card of its kind in CDO. Not only do you get to avail of amazing discounts from partner-establishments, you also r...

Made in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao: Energy Plus bar

Business, Cagayan de Oro City, Consumer, Food, Mindanaoan Update
I discovered something pretty interesting lately. Well, a product made in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, to be exact. It's an energy bar - an all natural, high protein, high fiber and high carbohydrates bar that promises to help you replenish lost energy. "Reload in a bar" - the product says. I'm a huge fan of muesli bars and I also make it a point to visit cereal joints whenever I'm in Manila (which reminds me...when will a similar all-cereal food joint ever open here in Mindanao?) so to find a similar product made here in Mindanao is interesting to me. This Cagayan de Oro Mindanao product is called Energy Plus (Trail Mix Bar) and of course, the picture used for the product label is that of a group of friends going on a white water rafting trip (CDO is known for its white water r...
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