BIMP-EAGA trade fair and business gab clinch P8.9 billion in sales, investments
As if to solidify my previous blog entry about the success stories at the 2nd BIMP-EAGA international trade fair, I received word recently that the event actually cornered a total of Php 8.9 billion in sales and investments. Absolutely exciting news!
According to event organizer Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), the 2014 Brunei - Indonesia - Malaysia - Philippines international trade fair and business conference garnered more than 1,500 participants, cornered P6 billion worth of possible investments during the business-matching sessions, while initial reports from the Philippines and Malaysia indicate a total of 2.9 billion in booked sales from the international trade fair.
Other countries that participated in the five-day event that attracted more than 25,000 local and int...