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Tag: how to pay bir taxes online

How to pay your BIR taxes via Paymaya

How to pay your BIR taxes via Paymaya

Announcements, Business, Consumer, Government, Mindanaoan Update, Society, Technology
It is now extra convenient to pay for your taxes through an app. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the government’s lead tax collection agency, is now working with PayMaya to offer digital payment touchpoints that will be made available to all Filipinos nationwide. PayMaya, the digital financial services arm of Voyager Innovations, offers integrated consumer and merchant payment solutions with the widest on-ground branch network. PayMaya provides e-wallets that allow Filipinos to conduct cashless transactions at any time of the day, anywhere in the world, and from any device. As a start, PayMaya account holders will soon be able to remit their tax payments to BIR through the Pay Bills feature of the PayMaya app. PayMaya is also working with BIR to extend digital tax payments to ...
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