Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: go to school abroad

Mindanaoan, do you want to go to school — ABROAD?

Announcements, Campus, Davao City, Education, Events, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal
One of the things I used to dream about when I was younger was to attend school abroad. I took my IELTS exam (I passed) and did research. I remember I already had a shortlist of the schools that I wanted to attend. However, times were tough, money was scarce. And the LIFE kicked in. My dream remains to be a dream. Still, I'm not losing hope. One of these days, I'll attend at least a crash course on communications, new media or public relations. Good thing there are better opportunities now plus there are more scholarships available. If you're like me and you have this dream of attending school abroad, why don't you attend this event in Davao City on November 18, 2009 from 5 to 9PM? Admission is FREE and you can also register online. Various representatives from schools in Australi...
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