Friday, July 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: general santos

Kalilangan Festival 2010 in GenSan schedule of activities

Events, Festivals, Fiesta, General Santos City, SoSCksargen
General Santos City, Mindanao is not just known for its Tuna Festival. It's also host of the Kalilangan Festival, which aims to highlight jubilation and the unity of the people of General Santos. Here's the full schedule of the GenSan Kalilangan 2010: Pre-Festival Activities 02/05/2010, Friday 03:00:00 PM Raprapan Screening @ Gaisano Mall 02/06/2010, Saturday 03:00:00 PM Sayaw Barangay Screening @ Gaisano Mall 02/07/2010, Sunday 03:00:00 PMLakan at Lakambini Screening @ Gaisano Mall Continuing Events 02/08 – 03/03/2010 Fiesta Carnival 02/08 – 03/03/2010 Kandagang sa Padiyan 02/15 –02/28/2010 Garden Show and Exhibits 02/15 – 02/28/2010 Coca-Cola Food Zone 02/15 – 02/28/2010 Asia Brewery Pistahan Zone 02/15 – 02/28/2010 SMB Barkada Zone 02/23 –02/26/2010 Bakbakan sa Gensa...

Review: La Tierra Del Sur Hotel General Santos City

General Santos City, Hotels, Mindanaoan Update, Reviews
A few months ago and fter 14 long years, my brother and I went back to General Santos City. We went there during the yearly Tuna Festival and since that trip was abruptly planned and we were about to leave within a few days, we knew we couldn't get rooms in GenSan's larger hotels or inns anymore. After searching the Internet for hours and calling almost every possible hotel, inn and lodging place in General Santos City, we were left with the only vacant room in La Tierra Del Sur Hotel. Located along the National Highway of General Santos City and just a few steps away from the old bus terminal, La Tierra Del Sur Hotel was supposedly one of the more famous lodging places in General Santos City during its heydays or so I was told. These days, however, La Tierra operates more like a touris...

The one question I want to ask General Santos City Mayor Pedro “Jun” Acharon

General Santos City, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Opinion, Personal, Travel
A few months ago, my brother and I went to General Santos City, Mindanao. AFTER 14 LONG YEARS. It was a trip planned within a few days - I wanted to take pictures during the Tuna Festival and at the same time, perhaps see some of our relatives (father's side) whom we haven't seen in that long a time. What supposedly was a "reunion" turned out to be a depressing visit. My brother and I learned that some of our relatives are now homeless. Yes, HOMELESS. Their homes in Lot 2, Barangay Apopong, General Santos City have been demolished and they have been living in makeshift shanties for more than a year now. By makeshift I REALLY mean makeshift - they merely took whatever they could retrieve in the heat of the demolitions (there were two in a span of a few months) and they literally just pie...

Pacman’s win should not mask true state of RP sports

Mindanaoan Update, Opinion, Personal, Personalities, Sports
I absolutely agree with Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero's statement that Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao's win over Oscar "Golden Boy" De La Hoya recently should not mask the real, true state of Philippine sports. While we're all happy and proud of Pacquiao's win in the recently concluded "Dream Match," (congratulations, Manny!) we should not forget that there's still so much to be done in order to really make the Filipino truly excel in different sporting fronts (and not just in boxing). It's true that Pacquiao, a certified Mindanaoan by the way (he was born in Kibawe, Bukidnon and grew up in General Santos City, Mindanao), is a genuine sports hero not only among Filipinos but among boxing aficionados all over the world. What he displayed last weekend was exemplary sportsmanship, skill and ded...
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