Wednesday, December 18Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: farming

Rice coffee in Mindanao

Agriculture, BIMP-EAGA, Food, Sarangani
I can declare that, yes, I, Mindanaoan, am a certified regular coffee drinker. I find it difficult to start the day without at least a cup of coffee (I'm a happier camper if I have two). I also frequent coffee shops and I have also tried drinking coffee from sidewalk vendors and from vendors at the bus terminal (you know who I mean - when you absolutely need to take a trip in the wee hours in the morning and all you can find are the ever reliable manangs and manongs who put up their "painit" stations - and by stations I mean a single table, a few glasses, coffee, sugar, some milk if you're lucky and thermos). I do know that drinking coffee has some health benefits. Still, I want to cut down on my intake or at least drink decaffeinated kape. Fortunately, there seems to be another choi...
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